On Sat, 01 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> Adrian: I am currently in the process of mirroring as
> much of the FreeCard website as I can to
> freecard.sourceforge.net ...
> Alain: I hope you started with the downloads and other
> non-web-site stuff. I have just finished adapting the
> links of the web site (e.g. to make them relative
> instead of absolute). It's a go, starting now.

Nope.  I'm currently concerned with the web site.  Downloads will go to the FTP
server.  I'll get to that soon. :)  

> Adrian: How likely is it to work if I just download
> the HTML files from UFP and put them on SourceForge?
> Alain: Very likely.
> Adrian: Are all the links relative?
> Alain: They are now.

Adrian: I have just instructed freecard.sourceforge.net to grab everything in
the /opencard/WebSite folder on the UFP server.  You're ftp logs should be
going crazy right about now. :)  After this I'll grab the main index page and
then the FreeCard log.

> Adrian: I will obviously keep the directory structure
> from the UFP server.
> Alain: You mean the directory structure of the
> opencard/freecard site, correct?  The "UFP" folder is
> distinct from these, as are all of the other elements
> in the root-folder. All of the latter do not belong
> elsewhere than here. Only copy the "opencard" folder.

Adrian: Yes, from inside the opencard folder.  I'm mirroring bit by bit though,
we'll perform a check to see that I've got it all once I'm done. :)

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