At 3:46 AM +0200 on 4/9/00, M. Uli Kusterer wrote:
>>So am I. That can't happen when a command add is in progress.
>But it can happen before a command is added. The result is the same: an
>error message.

If you abort an initialization script, you can't expect the scripts it
initializes for to behave.

If this is really a problem, there is the can't abort property.

>>We could have a message sent to a stack on file open, so it could
>>install it's syntax then. But when do you need to send messages to
>>stacks which are not in use and which you don't control?
> When they are plugins, they weren't necessarily written by me.

But they follow your guidelines, correct? And why don't you just put
them in use?

>>Besides, the feature is for major extensions to FreeCard -- not
>>everyone rewriting the syntax because they can.
> That's why I think we should hide it a bit. If it's obvious we won't be
>able to keep people from using it. OTOH if it's a config block that can
>only be edited with a special, separately available editor stack, we'll
>already sort out those who only use it because it's easy and cool.

I don't support obfuscation to prevent the unenlightened from abusing
the language. It'll already be harder to use than a function or
handler, because you have a slightly uglier parameter convention, won't
get nearly as usefull error messages, and many of the `examples' will
be written in NullCPU[0] Asm.

We'll be sure to document it as for major syntax extensions, why
functions/handlers are better.

And we'll put something like this in the manual:
        ...and that should you use it for every trite bit of trivial
        code your write, you'll be hung, drawn, quartered, boiled in
        oil, soaked in chlorine, and given Ebola Zaire (not
        necessarily in that order) by a posse of angry scripters.
        Further, you'll go down in the history of computer science as
        the only thing worse than INTERCAL's `come from' command, and
        your first-born son/daughter will disown you; your second-
        born will be killed by elephant excretement; and after that,
        you'll be impotent/sterile and not have any more. But that's
        not all, you are nothing but a spam-sucking[1] ooze of low-
        quality bat toenails.

(Then again, we might just wind up with your FC gurus calling
themselves spam-sucking ooze or bat toenails... but, hell, that'll be
so funny that I don't want to stop it)

>>Using the linker would have to be an optional, not recommeneded for
>>novices feature.
> Just make it a separate stack then, like CompileIt. This way advanced
>users can get this from an "unsupported goodies" folder if they really want
>to do it. But others would just use the vanilla version. Finally, I don't
>see a reason why we should put so much work into a product that does what
>every half-baked programmer can do as well. This could be a value-added

Because some of use over-baked programmers here will no doubt be doing
that, and see no reason to do it by hand every time.

But a unsupported goodies folder is fine with me.

>       'The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...'

*yelling, screaming, crying heard*
Mwahahaha... now they're not <veg>

[0] BTW: In some future version, I may be trying a JITC again -- so
NullCPU may not always be the language that scripts are compiled to.
But it'll always work, ebcause there will always be a NullCPU emulator

[1] Especially after the Ebola

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