------ Original Message ------

On 24/10/01, 02:09:35, YAHOO1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
Re: [OCF] SLE4442 cards promotion:

> Hello,

>     Did all of us really have actively contributed to the "technical 
> on OCF/Smartcard"? I guess not! Some does not even to bother to share 
> technical expertise on most newbies, save the cases of guy named 
> or Marc or Mr. Pandit, or those few that I forgot to mention.

We have all been newbies at some stage :-)

>     So why not just let this forum going to anything related to smartcard
> and its development. Promotional, technical or otherwise. This site is 
> in establishing contacts -- that should be the primary consideration to 

Because it is a list about OCF – not a list for "Smartcard industry 

If Mr.Goldsmith and others are so convinced that people want to see their 
adverts, then they should create their own "smartcard-adverts" mailing 
list and send one mail to this OCF list inviting everyone to join it. A 
great unique sales channel for all of you!

I bet you won't get many subscribers... 

Commercial posts are not all bad if they are "on topic" and from 
interested parties – but reposting adverts over and over is plain abuse, 
and in other mailing lists it would have had Mr.Goldsmith unsubscribed by 
the moderator.


> Visit the OpenCard web site at http://www.opencard.org/ for more
> information on OpenCard---binaries, source code, documents.
> This list is being archived at http://www.opencard.org/archive/opencard/

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