------ Original Message ------

On 22/01/02, 16:26:05, Sam Goldsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote regarding RE: [OCF] smart card terminals available:

>  i apologize for any one who has a problem with my email about selling my
> smart card terminals. I was very simple and discreet about my offerings 
> the gemplus terminals. I didnt kill or mame anyone in that process, it 
> just a simple email. I dont appreciate Marc Palmer spamming back about me
> nor this arturo guy either. I should have done what Marc and Arturo 

Look Sam - I'm sorry you're unwell at the moment, and I hope you get 
better soon. I don't want a huge argument about this again. My post had 
that tone because you completely ignore what I and others have said about 

However, we have done this argument to death already on this list. You 
have completely ignored us in the past (I am not the only person who has 
complained) so there is nothing to indicate that a personal mail to you 
would alter the outcome. 

This reply is to the list as well, because it concerns the list. 

I may be wrong, but your persistence on this matter seems to indicate 
that you have incorrect assumptions about this list and spam, and it 
would certainly do you and your company's reputation well to adopt 
everybody else's understanding of these issues.

1) Spam is usually unsolicited commercial email, but can apply to any 
unsolicited email that is not directly related to the forum, but is 
posted repeatedly. This is what your adverts are. For more info: 

Just sending a message to this list is not spamming – otherwise everyone 
who ever posted to a list would be spamming. Most list communities accept 
that talking about the list itself or problems with it are not spam per 
se, although they are boring. It is desirable to continue such 
discussions ad infinitum though, as we are both agreed.

2) This is a list about programming Java applications that use the 
OpenCard framework. Your adverts have very little to do with this subject 
matter. Yes we all need a card reader to use OCF, but your adverts do not 
add anything to this forum. We also,in general, need PCs and a Java 
Virtual Machine. Adverts for those would not be welcome here either. 

There are more general forums where you could post this advert, but you 
would likely be hassled there too, for posting the same stuff every few 
weeks. Forums are for helping people and sharing knowledge, not pushing 
merchandise on people. If you were actively part of the OCF programming 
community and not just trying to use it as a cash cow, people might be 
more receptive.

I would suggest placing adverts on popular smartcard websites as a more 
effective way to sell your readers.

Kind regards,

> Visit the OpenCard web site at http://www.opencard.org/ for more
> information on OpenCard---binaries, source code, documents.
> This list is being archived at http://www.opencard.org/archive/opencard/

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