--- Comment #61 from Kevin Brace <> ---
Hi Christopher,

I was looking at xerrs.log, and this portion of the error message is concerning
to me.

. . .
Initializing built-in extension DRI2
Loading extension GLX
3145728 bytes of Linear memory allocated at 300000, handle 3110288112
262144 bytes of Linear memory allocated at 600000, handle 3110288240
32 bytes of Linear memory allocated at 640000, handle 3110288368
32 bytes of Linear memory allocated at 640080, handle 3110288496
16384 bytes of Linear memory allocated at 641000, handle 3110292608
16384 bytes of Linear memory allocated at 645000, handle 3110288584
DRM memory allocation failed -6
 via_xv.c : viaInitVideo, Screen[0]
635904 bytes of Linear memory allocated at 649000, handle 3110270016
Freed 6590464 (pool 4)
 via_xv.c : viaSetupAdaptors (viaSetupImageVideo): 
 via_xv.c : viaGetPortAttribute : port 0 73
 via_xv.c :    ColorKey 0x821

. . .

For some reason, the device driver is causing DRM to fail in allocating memory.
This is the likely reason why you don't see anything on your screen.
It is possible that the bug has nothing to do with screen mode set, and
something to do with memory allocation from the OS.
I will start studying which functions are called during initialization, in
order to understand what is going on.


Kevin Brace

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