
On 1/13/20 8:03 PM, Alexander Gabriel wrote:
I set the debug level as indicated by Vitaly, but the only output in the opencog.log is this :
[2020-01-13 17:58:15:775] [INFO] [global_python_initialize] Start
[2020-01-13 17:58:15:775] [INFO] [global_python_initialize] Adding OpenCog sys.path directories
[2020-01-13 17:58:15:775] [INFO] [global_python_initialize] Finish
[2020-01-13 17:58:15:775] [INFO] PythonEval::initialize_python_objects_and_imports Finished initialising python evaluator.

That's not normal. Alex, after setting up the log level, what do you get from calling (in scheme)



it's gonna be difficult to debug without debug log. Let's figure that out first. By default logging is written in a local file


Sure you're looking at that?

Vitaly, any idea?



 I added a trace atomspace and the content of that is this (with a bit of other output before and after it) after running the backward chainer on the given query:
Robot position: 1
Picker position: 2

Query: (AndLink   (EvaluationLink     (PredicateNode "linked") (ListLink       (VariableNode "origin")      (VariableNode "destination")    )  )  (StateLink     (ListLink       (VariableNode "picker")      (PredicateNode "has_crate")    )    (ConceptNode "FALSE")  )  (StateLink     (ListLink       (VariableNode "picker") (PredicateNode "seen_picking")    )    (ConceptNode "FALSE")  ) (StateLink     (ConceptNode "Robot01")    (VariableNode "origin")  ) (StateLink     (ConceptNode "Picker01")    (VariableNode "destination")  ))

[(ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
, (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
, (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
, (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
, (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]
, (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
, (PredicateNode "URE:BC:and-BIT") ; [7937878864955488923][4]
, (PredicateNode "URE:BC:proof-of") ; [7861690586484479273][4]
, (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
, (PredicateNode "URE:BC:target") ; [3655466572582412298][4]
, (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
, (ListLink
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
       ) ; [12560458022798011237][4]
           (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
             (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
             (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
           ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
         ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
           ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
           ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
          (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
           (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
          (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
           (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
         ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
       ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
           (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
             (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
             (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
           ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
         ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
           ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
           ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
          (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
           (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
          (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
           (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
         ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
       ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
     ) ; [10378290140134742943][4]
   ) ; [10056885220319300478][4]
     (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
      (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]       (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]
     ) ; [10246810040960724207][4]
     (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
        (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
         (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
       ) ; [13553464137728764687][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [10800256415231817922][4]
     (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
      (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]       (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
     ) ; [12979417854504668522][4]
     (EvaluationLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
       (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
        (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]         (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
       ) ; [12650955823366188636][4]
     ) ; [13021153103939626777][4]
     (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
        (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
         (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
       ) ; [16000349526672526752][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [13021724614411824842][4]
   ) ; [11420344547789796517][4]
) ; [13191677814610597869][4]
, (ListLink
   (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
   (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
, (ListLink
  (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
   (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
) ; [16000349526672526752][4]
, (ListLink
  (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]   (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
) ; [12650955823366188636][4]
, (ListLink
   (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
   (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
, (ListLink
   (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
   (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
, (ListLink
  (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
   (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
) ; [13553464137728764687][4]
, (AndLink
   (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
    (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]     (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]
   ) ; [10246810040960724207][4]
   (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
      (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
       (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
     ) ; [13553464137728764687][4]
     (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
   ) ; [10800256415231817922][4]
   (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
    (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]     (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
   ) ; [12979417854504668522][4]
   (EvaluationLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
     (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
      (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]       (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
     ) ; [12650955823366188636][4]
   ) ; [13021153103939626777][4]
   (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
      (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
       (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
     ) ; [16000349526672526752][4]
     (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
   ) ; [13021724614411824842][4]
) ; [11420344547789796517][4]
, (AndLink
     (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
       (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
       (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
     ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
   ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
       (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
       (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
     ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
     (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
   ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
       (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
       (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
     ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
     (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
   ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
    (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
     (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
   ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
    (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
     (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
   ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
, (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
, (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
, (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
, (VariableList
   (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
   (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
   (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
) ; [12560458022798011237][4]
, (DontExecLink
       (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
       (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
       (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
     ) ; [12560458022798011237][4]
         (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
           (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
           (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
         ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
       ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
           (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
           (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
         ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
         (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
       ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
           (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
           (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
         ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
         (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
       ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
        (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
         (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
       ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
        (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
         (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
       ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
     ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
         (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
           (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
           (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
         ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
       ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
           (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
           (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
         ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
         (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
       ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
           (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
           (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
         ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
         (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
       ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
        (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
         (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
       ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
        (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
         (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
       ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
     ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
   ) ; [10378290140134742943][4]
) ; [10056885220319300478][4]
, (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
    (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
     (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
   ) ; [16000349526672526752][4]
   (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
) ; [13021724614411824842][4]
, (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
    (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
     (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
   ) ; [13553464137728764687][4]
   (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
) ; [10800256415231817922][4]
, (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
  (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]   (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]
) ; [10246810040960724207][4]
, (StateLink
     (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
     (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
   ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
   (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
, (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
  (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]   (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
) ; [12979417854504668522][4]
, (StateLink
     (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
     (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
   ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
   (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
, (StateLink
  (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
   (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
, (StateLink
  (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
   (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
, (BindLink
     (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
     (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
     (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
   ) ; [12560458022798011237][4]
       (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
         (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
       ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
     ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
       ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
       ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
      (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
       (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
     ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
      (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
       (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
     ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
   ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
       (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
         (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
       ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
     ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
       ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
       ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
      (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
       (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
     ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
      (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
       (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
     ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
   ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
) ; [10378290140134742943][4]
, (EvaluationLink
   (PredicateNode "URE:BC:proof-of") ; [7861690586484479273][4]
           (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
           (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
           (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
         ) ; [12560458022798011237][4]
             (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
               (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
               (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
             ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
           ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
               (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
               (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
             ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
             (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
           ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
               (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
               (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
             ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
             (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
           ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
            (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
             (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
           ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
            (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
             (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
           ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
         ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
             (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
               (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
               (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
             ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
           ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
               (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
               (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
             ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
             (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
           ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
               (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
               (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
             ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
             (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
           ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
            (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
             (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
           ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
            (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
             (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
           ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
         ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
       ) ; [10378290140134742943][4]
     ) ; [10056885220319300478][4]
       (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
        (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]         (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]
       ) ; [10246810040960724207][4]
       (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
          (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
           (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
         ) ; [13553464137728764687][4]
         (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
       ) ; [10800256415231817922][4]
       (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
        (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]         (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
       ) ; [12979417854504668522][4]
       (EvaluationLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
         (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
          (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]           (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
         ) ; [12650955823366188636][4]
       ) ; [13021153103939626777][4]
       (StateLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
          (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
           (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
         ) ; [16000349526672526752][4]
         (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
       ) ; [13021724614411824842][4]
     ) ; [11420344547789796517][4]
   ) ; [13191677814610597869][4]
) ; [12250320817453029415][4]
, (EvaluationLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
   (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
    (ConceptNode "WayPoint001" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1461315689995762073][4]     (ConceptNode "WayPoint002" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [1421707021219169969][4]
   ) ; [12650955823366188636][4]
) ; [13021153103939626777][4]
, (EvaluationLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
   (PredicateNode "URE:BC:target") ; [3655466572582412298][4]
       (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
         (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
       ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
     ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
       ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
       ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
       (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
     ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
      (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
       (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
     ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
      (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
       (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
     ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
   ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
) ; [9437574303461310653][4]
, (EvaluationLink
   (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
     (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
     (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
   ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
, (EvaluationLink (stv 1.000000 1.000000)
   (PredicateNode "URE:BC:and-BIT") ; [7937878864955488923][4]
         (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
         (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
       ) ; [12560458022798011237][4]
           (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
             (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
             (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
           ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
         ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
           ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
           ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
          (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
           (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
          (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
           (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
         ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
       ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
           (PredicateNode "linked") ; [7377131820250567544][4]
             (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
             (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
           ) ; [16211263182419955128][4]
         ) ; [11737869013450940133][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "has_crate") ; [2386365538716170588][4]
           ) ; [14008516234445170105][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [14480148654898681519][4]
             (VariableNode "picker") ; [3320396016748559776][4]
             (PredicateNode "seen_picking") ; [4980394588905344669][4]
           ) ; [13783631960832222081][4]
           (ConceptNode "FALSE") ; [8059389032376030371][4]
         ) ; [15741508350878763237][4]
          (ConceptNode "Robot01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [8656126396895433734][4]
           (VariableNode "origin") ; [1432856408906525938][4]
         ) ; [16982141063225259837][4]
          (ConceptNode "Picker01" (stv 1.000000 1.000000)) ; [5250680523874337442][4]
           (VariableNode "destination") ; [8732522677762917232][4]
         ) ; [18172667735726832559][4]
       ) ; [10202968835893361781][4]
     ) ; [10378290140134742943][4]
   ) ; [10056885220319300478][4]
) ; [9756272752300218847][4]
, (SchemaNode "URE:BC:expand-and-BIT") ; [9124129740472279502][4]
Result (SetLink   (AndLink     (StateLink       (ConceptNode "Robot01")     (ConceptNode "WayPoint001")    )    (StateLink       (ListLink    (ConceptNode "Picker01")        (PredicateNode "seen_picking") )      (ConceptNode "FALSE")    )    (StateLink       (ConceptNode "Picker01")      (ConceptNode "WayPoint002")    )    (EvaluationLink    (PredicateNode "linked")      (ListLink         (ConceptNode "WayPoint001")        (ConceptNode "WayPoint002")      )    ) (StateLink       (ListLink         (ConceptNode "Picker01") (PredicateNode "has_crate")      )      (ConceptNode "FALSE")    )  ))
Truth: (stv 1.000000 0.000000)


thank you for your help and time!


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