Hello everyone,

I am Maria Kapros, 4th-year Computer Science student at University College 
London. Have been following the OpenCog work for a year now and figured 
that it would be good to start contributing.

I am writing this message to ask for suggestions regarding the following. I 
am thinking of choosing my dissertation project such that it has some 
relevance to the AGI field and ideally OpenCog if I get my supervisor's 

My idea is to work on improving ML algorithms for automated theorem 
proving, along the lines of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.10501.pdf. I came 
across this old forum 
saying that an improved theorem prover would be useful if integrated with 
URE. Is this still an active task that could be picked up? 

If not, what would be a good (challenging from both theoretical and 
implementation p.o.v) starting idea for a dissertation project that would 
be relevant to the OpenCog community? My supervisor's research interests 
are data-efficient learning, reinforcement learning, and meta-learning, so 
I think my previous questions will concern OpenCog's high-level components 
(perhaps MOSES) rather than atomspace.

Many thanks for reading this long message and please let me know what are 
your thoughts regarding my questions.



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