Hi Wade,

Am 03.09.24 um 19:22 schrieb Cline, Wade:
As I recall, openconnect via NM uses a two-step process in order to
establish the VPN connection and what you're seeing is the second step
of that process.  The first step runs as a regular user and does the
authentication while the second step runs as root and actually establishes
the VPN connection.  Part of the first step is verifying the server's
certificate; the verified certificate is then passed on to the second
step explicitly via --servercert.  Though this can result in a rather
unfortunate log entry (3rd line):

        NetworkManager[3427]: Connected to REDACTED
        NetworkManager[3427]: SSL negotiation with REDACTED
        NetworkManager[3427]: Server certificate verify failed: signer not found
        NetworkManager[3427]: Connected to HTTPS on REDACTED with ciphersuite 

When I tested it, server cert vertification was working correctly when
I specified an invalid fingerprint (see the --authenticate option for

Looks like you are completely right. The behavior of NM comes a bit unexpected,
but there is nothing insecure with it. Thanks everyone for clarifying things.
One _might_ think about renaming --cafile to something like --add-ca-file
to avoid a misunderstanding like ours in the first place, but you still
you have to read the docs if you want to pin the server cert or similar.
So not sure this would help at all.
Luckily, there are no current attacks I know of trying to mimic our VPN gateway,
so no immediate danger from that direction.

  Dr. Martin Pauly     Phone:  +49-6421-28-23527
  HRZ Univ. Marburg    Fax:    +49-6421-28-26994
  Hans-Meerwein-Str.   E-Mail: pa...@hrz.uni-marburg.de
  D-35032 Marburg

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