David Thompson:
 |It appears that there needs to be some work done to make our current 
 |configure stuff work with autoconf 2.5 and above. I've got a current 
 |working version, but I know if I check it in that it will break for 
 |everybody running autoconf 2.1.3. So what is the consensus, should we 
 |upgrade to 2.5 or stay with 2.1.3? If we upgrade, when should it be 
 |done? Should we make a directory for the 2.5 stuff and just make it 
 |available for those that need it? Autoconf is now at 2.5.2 and it 
 |appears that several distributions are starting to include it (at 
 |least the latest cygwin stuff.)

A few naive questions: I'm assuming like most GNU tools that multiple
autoconf versions can be installed on a system (to different prefix
directories)?  Also, if there's a big problem with autoconf-2.5 discovered
after-the-fact, I'm assuming we can back out the delta and go another

If yes and yes, I'd vote for just checking it after you do as much testing
as you can.  I can pitch in with autoconf test results on Solaris, SGI, and
FreeBSD and report problems.


Randall Hopper (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lockheed Martin Operation Support
EPA Scientific Visualization Center
US EPA MD/24 ERC-1A; RTP, NC 27711

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