
I'll see if I can answer your questions.

The advantages to having a native GUI are three fold. First for most people is the cost. The fastest X-servers cost a user approximately $200, not including the cost of OpenDX. If this cost could be eliminated, more users would be willing to start using dx. Second, SPEED; just from our preliminary tests, a native executive is runnig about twice as fast without the overhead of the X server. Third, the complexity of setup for clients. It would be much easier for many people if they could tell their clients to download OpenDX and start running their networks. Now, there can be a lot of headaches involved with trouble-shooting X-servers, network connections, etc.

At our company, we've looked at some alternatives to the cross-platform GUI thing, but have decided against most of these. Licensing issues can really get in the way of open source.

We have some time estimates that we have forecasted, but I'm afraid that this is knowledge for public consumption. There is a lot involved here.

Hope this helps,

At the OpenDX website there is some mention of interest
in having a native Windows GUI for OpenDX - but that lack
of resources is preventing this from happening.  With
X servers readily available for most platforms, what
advantages are seen in doing this?

Has there been any discussion of writing a cross-platform
GUI using, e.g., Java, QT, wxWindows?
Are there any estimates for the amount of time (developer-months)
that would be required for such a task?  (I suppose one could
ask - how much time went into the development of the Motif

Thanks....John Cary

                              John R. Cary
Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0390
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ph. (303) 492-1489        fax (303) 492-0642            cell (720) 839-5997

David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery Solutions, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive, Missoula, MT 59804
                                    Phone : (406)257-8530

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