On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 12:32, John R. Cary wrote:
> Are there any estimates for the amount of time (developer-months)
> that would be required for such a task?  (I suppose one could
> ask - how much time went into the development of the Motif
> GUI?)
I don't think anyone has ever tried publicly to scope out a port.  
I imagine the development of the existing GUI took on the order of 10

You might check out documentation for DXLink.
It allows the use of your own GUI with Data Explorer
instead of the existing GUI.



The existing GUI passes nets to the exec through a socket (usually port

Images are rendered into an off-screen X Window and blt-ed into the
GUI's window via XCopyArea()... in the case of software rendering.
When OpenGL is in use, the exec maps an OpenGL window on top of one
of the GUI's X windows.

...well usually.  There are other modes of operation.  See documentation
of tools with names that begin with "Supervise".

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