Sorry about that, I forgot how I set it up specifically on Un*x. For MacOS X and Windows, you set it to 1, and then DX requests the pages be opened with the default web browser. The problem with setting it as the default is that you must set which web browser you want to use as the env variable. Not everybody has mozilla or netscape installed. This was a new feature I added in the last version--if you have any ideas on how we could default this (ie know which browser someone might have) I'm all ears.


David Thompson wrote:

 the reason is that no-one
 wanted to write a page layout widget that included graphics. I'd
 recommend you set the environment variable DX_WEB_BROWSER to 1, then
 your browser will launch the html version of the docs instead where the
 graphics are included.

Your suggestion, setting it to 1, does not work.
However, when I do "setenv DX_WEB_BROWSER mozilla", I indeed get these
wonderful help pages in the mozilla webbrowser.

It's a shame that I have never seen these html help pages before, hence
I'm totally impressed!!

This actually makes me suggest: why not getting rid of the native,
clumpsy help pages altogether, and immediately provide people
with the so much better html help pages!

I also wonder whether there are more people, like me, who are unaware
of this webbrowser/html optional setting.


David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery Solutions, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive, Missoula, MT 59804
                                    Phone : (406)756-7472

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