2011/4/28 Heather Leslie <heather.leslie at oceaninformatics.com>

>  Hi everyone,
> I think you are missing some of the further complexity here. There is a
> definite need for differentiation between draft and published archetypes for
> which a version number alone is not enough.
> Currently we are talking only about v1 archetypes and how to manage them,
> and to a degree it makes sense. We certainly considered using v0.x for
> drafts but it doesn't solve the downstream problems - once a v1 archetype is
> published, the non-breaking revisions will become v1.1, 1.2 etc. No problem
> But when we make a breaking change it becomes v2 (or v3 or v4 or 125), but
> it needs to be clear that it is v2 *draft* initially and not v2 *published*
> until we have completed the neccessary collaborative reviews.
I see your point and I completely agree with it.

Using v0 to denote draft archetypes before going to v1 only solves the first
iteration. When moving to v2, v3, etc. we certainly will have drafts and
published archetypes for those new versions and we have to manage all them.
Even when creating  v1.x or v1.x.y archetypes we can need drafts prior to
the formal voting/validation/publication of them. Archetypes, as a technical
resource (not as a concept definition) need to have unique identifier for
each minimal change. We have the archetype revision history but we should
also show those changes by changing the identifiers.

So, we fall back to the need of rethinking archetype identifiers to include
these new requirements or change them into identifiers with no semantics. Or
a third option, maybe the best one, to clearly separate between a "concept
identifier" that would be the current identifier and a "resource identifier"
to track every change and to, at least, warn systems that use archetypes
that something has changed.


David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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