We are using LOINC in Austria for coding lab results on a national scale.
As far as I know nobody needs to pay anything to Regenstrief to do so.

I am not aware of any "must mention Regenstrief" requirements, but I may 
miss something.
Greetings from Vienna,

Stefan Sauermann

Program Director
Biomedical Engineering Sciences (Master)

University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Hoechstaedtplatz 5, 1200 Vienna, Austria
P: +43 1 333 40 77 - 988
M: +43 664 6192555
E: stefan.sauermann at technikum-wien.at

I: www.technikum-wien.at/mbe
I: www.technikum-wien.at/ibmt
I: www.healthy-interoperability.at

Am 13.11.2014 10:07, schrieb Grahame Grieve:
> my advice from LOINC/regenstrief is that it does apply
> Grahame
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 8:01 PM, Thomas Beale 
> <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com 
> <mailto:thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>> wrote:
>     Something that has become clear in CIMI, and will affect openEHR,
>     13606 and most likely any archetype developer is that
>     acknowledgements of 3rd party copyrights and trademarks need to be
>     made. The most obvious common one is likely to be for SNOMED CT
>     codes in archetype bindings (Stan Huff at Intermountain is still
>     working on whether such acknowledgements are needed for LOINC
>     codes). However, it could be for anything, e.g. rights to use a
>     scale like Barthel or Waterlow.
>     At the moment there is no dedicated place in the model for this
>     particular meta-data. It could just go in 'other_details' but I
>     suspect that we need to be more precise than that. Consider for
>     example, the openEHR Barthel scale archetype - it currently
>     carries this text in the 'Use' section:
>         Note:
>         The Maryland State Medical Society holds the copyright for the
>         Barthel Index.  It may be used freely for non-commercial
>         purposes with the following citation:
>         Mahoney FI, Barthel D.  "Functional evaluation: the Barthel
>         Index."
>         Maryland State Med Journal 1965;14:56-61.  Used with permission.
>         Permission is required to modify the Barthel Index or to use
>         it for commercial purposes.
>     This seems less than optimal, and is certainly not going to be
>     reliably tool-separable from the main 'Use' content, since the
>     word 'Note:' and the placement of this text are purely local choices.
>     There is another issue here. The acknowledgement text actually
>     included in the archetype needs to be minimal, and as far as
>     legally possible not contain volatile elements that can change.
>     Therefore, I think the general approach needs to be as is
>     typically done with open source licences: not including the whole
>     text, but including a reliable URL to the licence text either from
>     the issuer (e.g. Creative Commons CC-BY page) or an agreement
>     between the publisher and the licensor (e.g. between IHTSDO and
>     CIMI for the use of SNOMED CT, and details of that use).
>     I have updated the meta-data page on the wiki
>     <http://www.openehr.org/wiki/display/ADL/Knowledge+Artefact+Meta-data>to
>     indicate what I think is the requirement - see end of the main table.
>     I am increasingly of the feeling that we need to act on this soon.
>     - thomas
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