Hi Gustavo,

What we will have soon with the next release of CKM is the ability for 
any user to propose new archetypes.
We call them Archetype Proposals - this is essentially the Sandbox you 
are suggesting, but it is not yet an incubator - more like an Inbox.

Archetype Proposals will then be assigned to appropriate projects or 
incubators by Clinical Knowledge Admins (CKAs).
Although CKAs are indeed a small number of people, this should not be a 
bottle-neck because this is a small task only (akin to sorting through 
the inbox)

 From there on, there can be many editors for the separate 
projects/incubators in addition who would oversee the further 
development/review and publishing of the proposed archetypes.

If you want to check it out, you can go to our Test CKM at 
Create an account if you don't have one and go to Archetypes/Propose New 
Archetype to submit a new archetype.
(Just note that this is a test/development server and may be unstable, 
unavailable, and any data on it may be changed or deleted at any time.)

Having said that, as you say, I think more editors to share the burden 
in the individual projects would be great, of course.


On 11.03.2015 10:54, Gustavo Bacelar wrote:
> Dear all,
> I would like to suggest some very important changes for governance 
> model of CKM. As you all know, CKM is a keystone to openEHR, but its 
> actual governance model is outdated and holds the development and 
> inclusion of new archetypes.
> As long as I know there are only 2 main editors that can import any 
> type of archetypes to CKM. I'm an editor too, but I can only import to 
> Ophthalmology Project and some other Incubators. The inclusion of new 
> archetypes can not depend on only 2-3 people. It is a huge constraint 
> to the development of openEHR, we must have more main editors.
> What I propose is to follow a governance model similar to Wikipedia. 
> It should be possible to anyone to submit archetypes, but these would 
> be in a sandbox, which already exists: the Incubators. These would 
> stimulate other participants of CKM to develop new archetypes and to 
> improve them much faster. When an archetype is sufficiently mature, an 
> editor would include it to public use.
> Kind regards
> -- 
> Gustavo Bacelar
> MD + MBA + MSc Med Informatics
> Skype: gustavobacela
> ?r
> LinkedIn: pt.linkedin.com/in/gbacelar <http://pt.linkedin.com/in/gbacelar>
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*Dr. Sebastian Garde*
/Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI/
Ocean Informatics

Skype: gardeseb

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