
It might seem a very basic question, but I couldn't find an appropriate
answer anywhere. Which is the best way to model a single Real number in
openEHR? For example, a result of a score.

I have found two possible options:

- Use a DV_QUANTITY, with the "Qualified Real" property, that sets the
units to an empty String. This approach is used in the "Harris Hip Score"
archetype (http://www.openehr.org/ckm/#showArchetype_1013.1.1873)

- Use a DV_PROPORTION, with the PROPORTION_KIND set to Unitary. This
approach is used in the "Waist and hip circumference" archetype (

In both cases, it seems we are forcing to use a data type that does not
really fit for purpose. Why don't we have something similar as the
DV_COUNT, but representing a real number and not an integer? Something
equivalent to the REAL data type in ISO 21090


David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia - 46022 (Espa?a)
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