2015-10-05 15:31 GMT+02:00 Erik Sundvall <erik.sundv...@liu.se>:

> There are many people reading this list, I wonder, where in the world do
> you see organizations with enough resources (and/or power) starting to get
> interested in getting shared practical detailed clinical modelling working
> for real using both openEHR and SNOMED CT together right now?

In Spain the Ministry of Health has developed 59 ISO 13606 archetypes
binded to 44 SNOMED CT subsets. They are used to model 8 clinical documents
to be shared throughout Spain. Many codes have been introduced as part of
the Spanish extension of SNOMED CT, but as far as I know the intention of
the Ministry is to propose many of those codes as part of the international
release of SNOMED CT.

The archetypes can be downloaded here (zip file, a proper archetype
repository is about to be published):
The list of subsets is described in this document (only in Spanish, the
subsets themselves are available for Spanish citizens only):


David Moner Cano
Grupo de Informática Biomédica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3ª planta
Valencia – 46022 (España)
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