>> There is a specific flag on list for noting the clinically meaningful 
>> statement, but what we've found is that almost all systems treat the 
>> statement of no allergies in an allergy record as an explicit statement
> that sounds right.
>> Btw, I don't think that the statement of no allergy is a case of a negation 
>> statement
> Is there any online summary of how negations, exclusions etc are understood 
> in FHIR?

No, there's no summary at all. Our general approach is that the theory of 
negations from terminfo generally holds, but a thorough survey of what existing 
systems are doing (or, failing that, a series of connectathons) generally 
establishes that there are practical restrictions created by poor clinical 
record keeping that point to a different course of action. 

Also, we consider other approaches, including the openehr exclusion model 
approach, which is also a part of FHIR. 

> - thomas
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