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> On Jun 11, 2016, at 6:09 AM, Thomas Beale <> wrote:
> Let's state the problem as one of associating some sort of absence, presence, 
> or in-between indicator with some X in a patient, or some other subject...
> There is some discussion about this topic in SPECPR-118, in which Ian 
> McNicoll made the comment:
> I think we need to do a bit more thinking about the pros and cons and the 
> somewhat different requirements of e.g negating a diagnosis vs. negating a 
> symptom.
> This is exactly right - there are different kinds of Xs. There are observable 
> Xs, including things we use instruments to observe (which we generally assume 
> to be reliable in a practical sense). So presence/absence claims can 
> reasonably be made in cases where the X being observed (e.g. pregnancy, MRSA, 
> being a smoker) is the same thing the claim is made about (is pregnant, neg 
> MRSA, non-smoker). In this case, the presence / absence can reasonably be 
> said to be part of the reported reality of the X in question.
> However, if the claim is about a C (some 'condition') where C cannot be 
> directly observed (or is not, in the current situation) then we are looking 
> at an epistemic claim about knowledge of C, based on observed X, what X means 
> in the context of patient type P, and so on. There is a range of epistemic 
> claims that could be made about Cs, e.g. the following:
> doesn't exist - 100% sure C not present in patient - e.g. diabetes type I, 
> based on negative oral glucose test
> may exist - C is effectively one branch of a differential diagnosis or other 
> assessment
> does exist - 100% sure C present in patient - e.g. diabetes type I, based on 
> +ve oral glucose test
> no risk of C in future - 100% sure C will not occur, e.g. BRCA1 or 2 breast 
> cancer, based on genetic test (we assume the latter is bullet-proof)
> risk of C in future - some likelihood of C occurring
> guarantee of C occurring in future - future reaction to exposure to bee venom 
> in a patient known to be hyper-allergic to been venom
> This basically boils down to:
> it may be reasonable to allow presence or absence of true 'observables' to be 
> encoded in a binary way (what we think of as Observations in openEHR)
> claims regarding any kind of assessment, opinion, diagnosis, etc of something 
> we don't directly observe as such are epistemic claims, i.e. claims about 
> type of knowledge we have of some C, and are not encodable as a Boolean 
> 'existence' idea, but only as a level of certainty or similar. (what we think 
> of as Evaluations in openEHR)
> To make things somewhat annoying, there is probably a grey area between the 
> two. For example, 'pregnant' could arguably be regarded as a direct 
> observation or an assessment. But I think for 95% of cases things are obvious.
> So my conclusion is that the way to record presence / absence of true 
> observables could reasonably be done in a simple way, while any type of 
> assessment has to be recorded in a way that a) allows some range of 
> certainty, b) can include the temporal aspect (now, future etc) and c) can 
> reflect the current state of the investigative process.
> Another annoyance that may prevent simple modelling is that EHRs often 
> include statements like 'is diabetic', e.g. reported by an obviously diabetic 
> patient about her diagnosis from 20y ago. Such statements are not in 
> themselves assessments, they are reports of the outcome of an earlier 
> process. As such, it may be reasonable to report such things in a more or 
> less binary way, e.g. is / is not diabetic.
> I'm not a fan of negation or any other variety of presence, absence, risk of 
> etc being part of terminology, at least not pre-coordinated with the 
> ontological part (doing so is a total confusion about what the terminology 
> expresses). A typology of negation / epistemic claims could potentially exist 
> in some separate part of a terminology e.g. SNOMED, to be used to code 
> information model property like 'epistemic_status', or similar.
> Aside: apparently the FHIR approach to representing things like 'no known 
> allergies' is to infer it by seeing if an allergies list is empty or not. 
> That sounds like a bad idea to me. If 'no known allergies' is understood as a 
> clinically meaningful statement made by e.g. a GP (based on reliable 
> knowledge about the patient), checking for a list being empty in some EMR 
> system isn't at all the same thing. All that latter does is establish that no 
> allergies have been recorded on this particular system.
> - thomas
>> On 08/06/2016 07:54, GF wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> HL7 is thinking about the problem of negation.
>> The group discussing it created a document with negation use cases.
>> My questions are:
>> - Can you let us know your reaction to this list of use cases?
>> And
>> - How should ‘negation’ be handled the best in respect of semantic 
>> interpretability?
>> My personal opinions:
>> - the boolean should not be used
>> - try to translate the ‘negation’ problem into ‘presence and absence’. A 
>> concept is or is not present, a numeric result is of is not present.
>> - do not use pre- and post co-ordinated concepts using SNOMED but use the 
>> SNOMED primitives.
>> I’m curious to learn what your opinion is.
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