Hi Silje,
I agree that you should make this mandatory for the archetype to make
If we have a mandatory item that is always filled with a certain value,
for instance we are storing details  a lab test. We would set the
default in the template and make sure it is filled in the API call when
storing the composition, making it unessacary to render that field. In
our case we are making a custom application, not using a form renderer.
But i guess if you use a renderer you can hide the field in question
easily and use the default.
Best regards,


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>>> "Bakke, Silje Ljosland" <silje.ljosland.ba...@nasjonalikt.no>
10/11/2017 11:47 >>>
Crossposting this between the clinical and implementers lists, since it
belongs in both:
In some archetypes, one or more elements are set as mandatory
(typically occurrences 1..1 or 1..*), because the rest of the concept
makes no sense without this particular element recorded. Examples are
Problem/diagnosis name in Problem/diagnosis, and Temperature in Body
temperature. This is not intended to mean that it’s mandatory to enter
data into the element in a UI, but that this particular element is
mandatory in any persisted composition that uses the archetype.
Recently however, we received a request to change the Head
circumference element in the Head circumference archetype from 1..1 to
0..1 because the element being mandatory in the archetype automatically
made the UI form builder mandate the entering of data into the UI field,
and removing the archetype on the fly made more unnecessary clicks. In a
fit of mental hiccups, I agreed with and performed this change, but have
since realised this is wrong, because:
·         A mandatory archetype element is not the same as a mandatory
UI field
·         A mandatory UI field is more like a field where you only allow
persisting nonnull values, while a mandatory archetype element can be
persisted with a null value without a problem.
How are implementers actually handling this? Do you separate UI field
mandation and archetype element mandation?
Kind regards,
Silje Ljosland Bakke
Information Architect, RN
Coordinator, National Editorial Board for Archetypes
Nasjonal IKT HF, Norway
Tel. +47 40203298
Web:http://arketyper.no / Twitter:@arketyper_no
( https://twitter.com/arketyper_no) 

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