I agree fully.

This implies that on the fly small archetypes need to be used to store one or 
more aspects.

Gerard   Freriks
+31 620347088

Kattensingel  20
2801 CA Gouda
the Netherlands

> On 26 Jun 2018, at 18:10, Dr Evelyn Hovenga <ehove...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bert nurses think like you, they need to view every patient within the 
> context of the person's response to their complaint, injury, procedures 
> performed or treatments provide and the person's individual social network, 
> family commitments, lifestyle, home and workplace environments,  location 
> exposures (current and/or past) etc.  We should be able to collect and store 
> information about these aspects in lifelong EHRs.
> Evelyn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: openEHR-clinical <openehr-clinical-boun...@lists.openehr.org> On Behalf 
> Of Bert Verhees
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 June 2018 12:17 AM
> To: Stefan Sauermann <sauerm...@technikum-wien.at>; For openEHR clinical 
> discussions <openehr-clinical@lists.openehr.org>
> Subject: Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts
> On 26-06-18 14:35, Stefan Sauermann wrote:
>> Dear Bert, all!
>> Sorry if this consumes excess bandwith, feel free to delete.
>> The case you describe clearly provides a sound reason why "generic
>> archetypes will remain necessary".
>> I agree completely. This use case must always be satisfied.
>> It does not include automated processing at the receiving end. The
>> receiving party must read the information and decide what to do, using
>> their human brain cells, no 100% reliable computer aided decision
>> support (as in medical devices).
>> In this use case, I see no difference between:
>> - transmitting information within a "generic archetype"
>> - transmitting the same information in unstructured free text.
>> Both technologies provide a useful solution for the use case.
>> - So (in my humble view) this specific use case does not demand a
>> "generic archetype". In other words, it needs no archetype at all.
> Just a few days ago I heard about Google scanning a great number of files of 
> all kind and format, searching for medical information. The results were 
> quite remarkable.
> https://www.healthdatamanagement.com/articles/google-continues-work-to-use-machines-for-health-analytics
> But unstructured information is not what I am aiming for.
> There will be some semantics.
> A clinician can indicate that data are from the user story, or from the 
> observation, so, that is already some information.
> While talking with the patient, the doctor can measure heartbeat, 
> bloodpressure, saturation, temperature, bloodsugar, even almost without 
> touching de patient. It will be more soon.
> Development goes so fast.
> And patients can also measure data at home, or at work, or wherever.
> Context is also location, patient personal data, time of the day, jet-lag, 
> season of the year, weather conditions, other medical conditions, alcohol 
> consumption, social status
> Most of these data are not regarded as relevant in the actual medical 
> condition. So archetypes do not have items for this.
> There are two kind of medical data.
> a) Medical data which are relevant in the context of a specific medical 
> condition.
> b) Medical data of which the relevancy is not yet known in the context of a 
> medical condition, or another medical condition, which maybe is also not 
> known at the moment.
> The data of the second kind are also medical data, so why not store them?
> Karsten yesterday said, a person at the doctor should be more then a medical 
> complaint. I agree with that. But the current medical practice is not like 
> that.
> You go to the doctor with a medical complaint, and you talk about that, the 
> doctor does research in that context, and the software finds some archetypes 
> which fit to that.
> But the person should be seen as more then a medical complaint, but as a 
> complex of conditions and lifestyle.
> We need generic archetypes which can store machine generated datasets to 
> store information about the whole person, instead of only the medical 
> condition which is subject of conversation.
> I believe I am the only person in this list who thinks like that. But that 
> does not matter.
> Have a nice day
> Bert
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