Have you seen the 'Transfer of care' COMPOSITION? 

It's designed to cover the broadest sense of transfer of care (and 
responsibility). One use case not mentioned is actual clinician to clinician 
handover within a hospital settling eg nurses or residents at end of shift. 
Should this archetype be used or are there different semantics or querying 
requirements for this kind of clinical handover?



-----Original Message-----
From: openEHR-clinical <openehr-clinical-boun...@lists.openehr.org> On Behalf 
Of Grant Forrest
Sent: Thursday, 14 March 2019 7:14 AM
To: openehr-clinical@lists.openehr.org
Subject: Re: transfer/move archetype?

Can I put my vote in for the wider concept of "handover of care" to be 
considered ? As well as a physical move, there is a need for relevant clinical 
info to be shared with the receiving team, unless of course it is just a 
patient being "farmed out" to another clinical area to free up beds,which is 
very common in the UK.



On 12/11/2018 20:28, Birger Haarbrandt wrote:
Hi Heath,

it's been a while, but sometimes the old stuff becomes relevant again :) Would 
still be great to take a look at this Archetype, as my colleague Sarah Ballout 
is currently working on this topic. It would also be great to learn how you use 
this in practice!

Thank you very much in advance!


Birger Haarbrandt, M. Sc.
Peter L. Reichertz Institut for Medical Informatics (PLRI) Technical University 
Braunschweig and Hannover Medical School Software Architect HiGHmed Project 
Management Board, openEHR Foundation
Tel: +49 176 640 94 640, Fax: +49 531/391-9502 

Am 08.09.2014 um 01:14 schrieb Heath Frankel:
No problem from me. I'll need to find out how this is done.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: transfer/move archetype?
From: Birger Haarbrandt 
To: For openEHR clinical discussions 

Hi Heath,

do you think it would make sense to share this one at the ckm? While it would 
be easy for us to generate an archetype that fits our local needs,  it might be 
worth to contribute this archetype as a starting point in the openEHR ckm to 
create something reusable.



Am 05.09.2014 14:43, schrieb Heath Frankel:
We use a patient location archetype in addition to a patient admission 
archetype so that we can track patient movement around the hospital as part of 
a hospital episode.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: transfer/move archetype?
From: Dr Sam Heard 
To: For openEHR clinical discussions 

Would a patient location archetype be better? Apart from Hospital, Building, 
floor, Ward, Room, Bed for example, there is a need for planned time of 
transfer, actual time, time of arrival, time of planned departure, actual time 
of departure.

Updates could be managed by versioned data in a persistant composition if you 
wanted only one location per patient.

Needs some thought.

Cheers Sam
From: Birger Haarbrandt<mailto:birger.haarbra...@plri.de>
Sent: ‎5/‎09/‎2014 12:03 PM
To: For openEHR clinical discussions<mailto:openehr-clinical@lists.openehr.org>
Subject: transfer/move archetype?

Hi again,

I was wondering if somebody has put some thoughts on a "patient transfer" 
archetype which would serve to record the transfer of patients between 
different wards within a hospital. Why would it be interesting to have this 
information archetyped? For example we'd like to calculate the time that a 
catheter has been applied at the ICU. As a catheter often doesn't get removed 
when the patient leaves the ICU, we need to calculate the time by using both 
the catheter documentation and the patient transfer data.

In our case, SAP i.s.h. med has a simple data model for patient transfers 
(Patient-ID, Type of transfer/move, timestamp, department, ward, sometimes 
(bed)). Are there any use cases you can think of that would require additional 
information? Would the creation of such an archetype would be of interest for 
someone else?

Kind regards,

Birger Haarbrandt, M.Sc.

Peter L. Reichertz Institut für Medizinische Informatik Technische Universität 
Braunschweig und Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Mühlenpfordtstraße 23
D-38106 Braunschweig

T +49 (0)531 391-2129
F +49 (0)531 391-9502

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Dr J Grant Forrest
Part Time Postgraduate MPhil Student/Health Informatics University of 
Strathclyde e grant.forr...@strath.ac.uk<mailto:grant.forr...@nhs.net>
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