Dear all,

I am joigning the discussion, some of you already know me from GEHR times,
so a big hug to them and friendly greetings to all of you.

Re: subject of care, several remarks from my perspective but which may
already have been treated as I am not already through all of the

1) I agree with the Donor problematic raised by Eric and Karsten. The
identification of the donor is not everywhere available, but some
characteristics of the donor may well be disclosed perhaps. The same issue
applies also for transfusional medecine of course.
2)  'Presumed' fatherhood is suspicious, when not clearly tested ;-)
3) Subject of care during pregnancy and foetal treatment
4) Adoptions are often not diclosed to the childrens until adolescent or
even adult age.
5) Lab test results samples which are treated anonymous, i.e. HIV and other
sexually transmitted diseases, Drug use etc...

Till then


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Heard" <>
To: "Openehr-Technical" <openehr-technical at>
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 11:38 PM
Subject: Subject of care

> Dear all
> I have been reviewing the subject of care - over family history. It is
> that the following information is potentially useful:
> 1. The name of the person so you can refer to them as so-and-so
> 2. The relationship (father, mother) this might or might not include their
> genetic relationship (adoptive) - at present I have this in the genetic
> relationship boolean value of the family history problem. I think this is
> the most appropriate as it is the only time when it is essential to know
> it??
> 3. The ID of the person in the demographic server - allowing contact
> etc.
> Can others think of other issues with identifying the subject of an entry
> the EHR - (not the ehr itself!) Times when this is likely are around the
> birth of a child and for family history problems.
> Cheers, Sam
> ____________________________________________
> Dr Sam Heard
> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
> Co-Chair, EHR-SIG, HL7
> Chair EHR IT-14-2, Standards Australia
> Hon. Senior Research Fellow, UCL, London
> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
> Rapid Creek NT 0810
> Ph: +61 417 838 808
> sam.heard at
> __________________________________________
> ____________________________________________
> Dr Sam Heard
> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
> Co-Chair, EHR-SIG, HL7
> Chair EHR IT-14-2, Standards Australia
> Hon. Senior Research Fellow, UCL, London
> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
> Rapid Creek NT 0810
> Ph: +61 417 838 808
> sam.heard at
> __________________________________________
> -
> If you have any questions about using this list,
> please send a message to d.lloyd at

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