
There is a difference between looking at various screens during a
consultation and the signing of part of the information that needs to be
signed. E.g. Orders, communications with others.

It is clearly not necessary to make movies of what was presented on the
screen during the consultation.


On 16-09-2002 01:45, "Sam Heard" <sam.heard at> wrote:

> Karsten
> I do not go with the screen shot idea - the issue here is the accountability
> and if the information is stored in an explicit manner and the rendition can
> be stored (XSLT or application) then it will be clear what the person saw -
> the problem with screenshots is the plethora of views that might be used in
> a single consultation. And can we be sure that the screen was paged down?
> And what was the resolution of the screen - and the visual acuity of the
> practitioner - and what parts of the screen did their eyes stray to...
> Our research in GEHR had a clear outcome - clinicians did not want this sort
> of EHR and it served no useful purpose.
> Cheers, Sam
> ____________________________________________
> Dr Sam Heard
> The Good Electronic Health Record
> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
> Rapid Creek NT 0810
> Ph: +61 417 838 808
> sam.heard at
> __________________________________________
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Karsten Hilbert [mailto:Karsten.Hilbert at]
>> Sent: Saturday, 14 September 2002 5:49 PM
>> To: Gerard Freriks
>> Cc: Melvin Reynolds; Thomas Beale; William Hammond; Sam Heard;
>> Openehr-Technical
>> Subject: Re: Archetype ontology
>>> So an EHR is a series of signed, authored messages that can be used in
>>> court. Without the fulfillment of the requirements, the EHR is
>> nothing but
>>> information written in the sand before a wave of the sea washes it away.
>> This is, however, the way medicine worked for thousands of
>> years, and reasonably well, obviously. It is trust that
>> defines the doctor-patient relationship, not proof.
>>> What an application does with the information on a screen and in its
>>> database is much less relevant from a legal perspective.
>>> What is signed is relevant.
>> Are you suggesting applications should store digitally signed
>> screenshots ?
>> Regards,
>> Karsten Hilbert, MD
>> GnuMed i18n coordinator
>> --
>> GPG key ID E4071346 @
>> E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD  4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346
> -
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> please send a message to d.lloyd at

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