Melvin Reynolds wrote:

> Thomas,
> Somewhat to my surprise I find myself agreeing with most of your 
> points in the discussion below. 

he he he, that's the kind of reply I like to see;-)

> However, the final statement "... As soon as one >starts thinking 
> about what has to happen to turn messages into EHR >content, it 
> becomes clearer and clearer that the EHR is nothing like a >compendium 
> of messages; for from it - it is a time-based accumulator of >EHR 
> information, some of which is sourced from messages, much of which >is 
> created by human users of GUI applications." seems like a gross 
> oversimplification of the reality.
> It is true a "readable" EHR is not likely to a compendium of messages. 
> But an EHR for use in a primary care context is not likely require to 
> present the same information (in full) as an acute secondary care EHR; 
> and neither are likely to require to present the full audit trail of 
> all messages, requests and reports that would be required of a 
> medico-legally complete (but clinically unhelpful) EHR. 

Well, that's probably fair enough (although I am not sure I believe that 
GPs are any less required to have medico-legal protection than any other 
clinician), but consider that even in a local GP EHR, modifications to 
things like Current Medications, Family history, Social History, 
Vaccination record, Therapeutic precautions , Problem list, will 
generally not come from messages - there is no other place for this data 
to come from but the GP application. It will instead come through the 
application / EHR kernel API, and create EHR data on the fly.

Now... try to imagine how useful the GP EHR would be minus the items I 

> As well as a clarification of scope, it would seem to be important to 
> clarify at what level of context/granularity we are seeking to produce 
> the EHR. 

do you want to expand on this?

> Sorry if I've missed anything  - but the recent discussions would seem 
> to indicate that I'm not alone if I have. 

just point it out, and I'll try to explain more what I think, if at 
least that can help...

- thomas

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