Thomas Clark wrote:

> Hi All,
> The following link is to a FindLaw reference regarding what HIPAA means
> to Patients:

<soap box>
This article contains an egregious error.

Under the section headed "Patient Rights Obligations" the author states that
"HHS had initially proposed allowing routine disclosures without advance
patient consent for treatment, payment and administrative operations, but
the final rule requires informed patient consent for even these routine

This is not true.  The final Privacy Rule *PERMITS* covered entities
(providers,  payers, clearinghouses) to obtain consent for use and
disclosure of protected information in treatment, payment, and operations
(there is some restriction in psychotherapy notes).  It does NOT require
consent for these uses.  At best the author did not read the Preamble where
this modification was clearly articulated to provide an option for those
providers who were fearful of missteps and preferred to err on the side of
caution.  Unforunately I find it hard to give the author the benefit of the
doubt and have written to the editors of complaining about this
article.  HIPAA, like Y2K, has been the focus of far too many bottom feeding
lawyers creating self-serving FUD among the US healthcare community.

The US healthcare system has a bad enough rep without "help" like this.
</soap box>

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