Hi All,

If one resorts to hardware to support security be sure to post guards. 
WWII proved than
reliance upon hardware devices to provide adequate security is misplaced.

Hardware components in a security system are acceptable if the software 
can re-configure
them and alter even their basic functionality, e.g., re-configurable 
computer systems and

One significant advantage of ATM networking was the use of fixed-size 
cells to transmit
data (essentially a switching technology). Try reconstructing cell-based 
data on the fly or
store data in cellular format with separately stored reconstruction 
algorithms. The problem
was solved long ago - cellular systems.

Any static security system is sensitive to determined efforts. No 
security or inadequate
security mechanisms are invitations. A single breach will likely destroy 
confidence. The
ability to re-configure and re-deploy is essential.


-Thomas Clark

Tim Churches wrote:

>On Sun, 2004-03-07 at 10:18, Tim Cook wrote:
>>On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 14:17, Tim Churches wrote:
>>>In general, caches should be
>>>held on encrypted filesystems, either on-disc or in-memory, with the
>>>keys (or a key to the keys) to the encryption/decryption managed by a
>>>daemon which purges the keys from memory when asked (eg locking the
>>>device) or automatically after a short period of disuse.
>>Well, now that would certainly be a secure way to handle caching.  If I
>>were worrying about national secrets.  
>Personal health information is more important than national secrets to
>the individuals concerned. Furthermore, it only takes the compromise of
>a handful of individuals' confidential information, and publication of 
>this fact, before public confidence in your EHR evaporates. So I don't
>think that is overkill. Note, however, the use of the subjunctive
>"should". That's the way it ought to be done, and it is technically
>achievable. Unfortunately, browser and OS vendors/writers don't chose to
>do that by default. But certainly it can be done - on Linux systems, it
>is quite easy to set up encrypted filesystems and to store the browser
>cache on these. Likewise on Windows - individual directories can be
>encrypted (although there are distinct flaws in the way the encryption
>keys are handled in Windows - still, better than not encrypted).
>>Do you go to this extreme now (as a manager) when doing your risk
>>assessments?  I am wondering what the total (additional) costs of system
>>design and hardware resources is when these facilities are implemented. 
>Risk assessment: client workstations are often shared between users and
>located in insecure locations, laptops are stolen or lost all the time.
>Thus confidential information which is captured in a cache on these
>systems needs to be secured. Note that if the EHR user is, say, a
>physician, then there may be details of hundreds of patients in their
>workstation/laptop cache.
>Does this represent a challenge to applications,especially Web browser
>applications? Yup.
>Are technical solutions possible? Yup - see above.
>Is all of this costly? Well, my view is that additional hardware
>security devices are probably unnecessary (and almost all are
>unnecessarily proprietary anyway), and the software required to
>implement what I describe above is free (at least for Linux - on
>Windows, file system encryption is only available on server versions, I
>think - at least that is the case with Windows 2000 - not sure with
>Windows XP/XP Pro). Does the administration and training involved cost
>money? Definitely, security doesn't come free. Is the expense worth it?
>See above - only takes a handful of confidentiality breaches before you
>can kiss confidence in your EHR goodbye for several years.
>>I think that in most cases we can reliably depend on locked doors and
>>holding people responsible for protecting data they are entrusted with. 
>Surely you jest? Client workstations, even in large hospitals (or
>especially in large hospitals) have to be considered insecure, likewise
>desktop PCs in doctor's offices - common targets for drug-related
>burglary, and especially laptops and handheld devices which are pinched
>or misplaced with monotonous regularity.
>The same applies to EHR/EMR servers, especially servers which are not
>housed in dedicated, secured data centres, although even the latter are
>far from invulnerable - see for example
>http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/04/1062548967124.html - and then
>there is the off-site back-up media etc to consider.
>>I will agree that security training needs to include this awareness so
>>that users know how to properly store each of these devices when not in
>Security engineering is all about building systems which fail
>gracefully. Certainly training users is vital, but relying entirely on
>users, or system administrators, or anyone, to always do the right thing
>is a recipe for inevitable security failure. It is always better to
>build additional protection into the fabric of information systems, as
>long as the cost is justified - and that comes back to risk assessment
>as you note. 

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please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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