Yin Su Lim wrote:

> This discussion document is produced by UCL (CHIME) to highlight issues  
> that have arisen when designing a Demographics Service component. This  
> service component will need to conform to the openEHR demographics  
> package and be able to support the requirements of live demonstrator  
> sites in north London. Any feedback and comments are welcome.

This is a _tantalising_ question - that I've ruminated on for some time.

First it is not clear why Demographics should be separated out like this 
from the entire record - it just introduces potential inconsistency due 
to replication issues or worse mis-identification of a patient.

 From an evidence-based perspective, it might be best to send and
receive  a "sealed network packet" of as much as the patient record as 
bandwidth permits:
That could mean the entire text data - leaving larger payloads such as 
exam-data/imaging/traces etc to be requested on demand.
The receiving medic would then be able to make any decisions on the 
basis of the best available evidence at that particular time - using the 
traditional document metaphor.  Of course the onus is on client-side to
make all evidential aspect of that document visible during any decision
making [no mean task].

But surely in an active clinical community the entire patient record 
cannot be locked out of use while one participant is working on it.
Traditional database/directory locking works against rather than for the
collaborative process IMHO.  Sure participants need to be aware of each
others concurrent activity on the same record but they must be given 
both (1) the means to communicate with each other to decide if either
should go first (2) some convenient means to resolve conflicts that 
would otherwise arise in the patient record due to their individual 
asynchronous submissions.  This is _not_ rollback but is instead a kind 
of roll-forward and again the emphasis would be on a smart client
(able to coherently explain conflicts and choices to resolve them
at the point of resubmission) - rather than smart server.
The flavor should be that of a Wiki while the
overall philosophy should be that of evidential audit/logging: who saw 
what and what they did when they saw it - for medico-legal purposes.

Here the entire patient record would be archetyped as
a single document in which Demographics was a self-contained subsection.
If you really needed to you could just replicate that already archetype
sub-section on a Demographics Server - but that should be a read-only
copy - the mastercopy being of course that in the full record.

Something like a versioning XML server
(xmlDB,Xindice,OracleXML DB) might be the way to go.

Just my 2 penceworth

Gavin Brelstaff - BioMedical Area, CRS4 in Sardinia
Loc. Pixina Manna Edificio 1,
C.P. n.25, 09010 Pula (CA) Italy.
Email: gjb at crs4.it Phone:+39.070.9250.312 Fax:+39.070.9250.216

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