>From my opinion, it would be good if someone receives the emails, and saves 
them for later. I t does not seem right if I would do that, I am not involved 
with the standardisation-process, I am only a user of the standard.

I already have about ten issues, which not all may be valid, I can 
misunderstand things, and it is not easy to find someone to discuss things 

Better would be if there was a webinterface where people can report their 
found issues.
I have very good experiences with Bugzilla
Bugzilla also offers a interface to discuss the issues, offline over email, 
and online in the interface, and it sends emails to involved persons if 
information to an issue has changed

An example from Bugzilla in use is:

A large list of companies worldwide use Bugzilla

and it is free

Bert Verhees

Op dinsdag 24 mei 2005 07:14, schreef Gerard Freriks:
> Dear Tom and Bert,
> The QA was done primarily by Edgar in his project.
> When improvements are needed I see two processes.
> -1- in CEN a new version.
> -2- in ISO in the work on CIC's.
> In the mean time we can maintain a file with the lists of proposed and
> the agreed changes.
> Who will maintain these lists?
> Gerard
> ]
> --

Met vriendelijke groet
Bert Verhees
ROSA Software

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please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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