Thomas Beale schreef:
> Bert,
> I think you are making this much more complicated than it needs to be. 
> There is nothing /a priori/ to stop physical deletion of _parts_ of a 
> record. However in version controlled systems, something special 
> behind the scenes is usually needed to effect it. How this appears in 
> the API has nothing to do with how it is implemented. All I said is 
> that it would be quite normal that the action of physical deletion 
> (even if available in the API) requires a higher level of access than 
> other operations, i.e. cannot just be done by any normal user - it 
> might require a system administrator with special permissions. This is 
> because physical removal of pieces of an EHR (like pieces of any 
> versioned repository) can easily lead to inconsistencies in the 
> remaining part.
> The other scenario you mentioned is physical deletion of a complete 
> EHR. This is obviously easy (technically); most likely the access 
> control requirement is higher here as well.
> How you configure the access control is up to the system installers, 
> it is not hardwired into openEHR.
Thanks, I think I understand (for now)


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