Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 10:03:12AM +0100, Thomas Beale wrote:
>>> Not sure of the need for <= or >=.  It's either beyond the value reading
>>> capability of the device or an actual value is record (within some accuracy
>>> tolerance).
>> yes, this has already been mentioned - Vince has never seen it in the 
>> millions of results his software has processed. Vince suggested we put 
>> it in for completeness, but now that you hvae made me think of 
>> it...maybe we should only allow what makes sense, i.e. =, >, <.....with 
>> ~ still to be resolved...
> <= >= do happen over here in Germany.
can you provide an example of a path result with either of those in it?

- thomas

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