Op donderdag 27 april 2006 11:05, schreef Adrian Wilkins:
> Aye ; this would appear to imply that classes can share names as long
> as they don't appear in the same cluster.
> http://www.pi.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/inf1/eiff-ref/chap3.htm#cluster
> But when I add a class using EiffelStudio, it just complains that
> there is already a class of the same name, regardless of which cluster
> you add it in... the only way I could get around this was....
>  * Create a class with the filename desired, but a different classname.
>  * Manually edit the class name in the file to the desired classname
>  * Compile (this updates the name in the cluster treeview)
> Please someone (Mr Beale?) tell us it's not really that fiddly.
> I've heard complaints about the "quirkiness" of EiffelStudio on this
> list, and I'm beginning to see why. Of course, Bert doesn't say
> whether he is using it :-)

I am using EiffelStudio, and in the past I never had complains from the 
compiler like that, but I will investigate it further, and come back to this

As Thomas says, the Eiffel sources are not up top date, and I do not have much 
time, regretly, so, too bad ......

> On 4/26/06, Bert Verhees <bert.verhees at rosa.nl> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have some problems with the Eiffel-sources.
> > I made my way to understanding and even loving the Eiffel compiler, and
> > now I want to use its power for better understanding of the openehr
> > kernel. I start puzzling what belongs to what and, oh, I discover classes
> > with duplicate names.
> >
> > I found now duplicate
> > APPLICATION, both in file application.e (on different locations)
> > and
> > one in
> > ref_impl_eiffel\libraries\openehr\src\rm\ehr\ehr_directory.e
> > and one in
> > ref_impl_eiffel\libraries\openehr\src\rm\common\directory\versioned_folde
> >r.e
> >
> > Maybe there is an instruction how to handle those duplicate classnames,
> > because my Eiffel-compiler does not eat them.
> >
> > Maybe there are ace-files, or some other way to help me out, if yes,
> > please tell me where they are, I had my source trees with SVN, but I had
> > to make distinctions, for not to get everything, and maybe I missed them
> >
> > thanks
> > Bert Verhees

Met vriendelijke groet
Bert Verhees
ROSA Software

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