Tim Cook wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 23:07 +0200, Bert Verhees wrote:
>>Please correct me if I am wrong,
>>Please take it as a request for information, or if I am wrong and need 
>>to be corrected, as a discussion.
>If you go here:
>and scroll down a bit you will notice that the kind folks at ACODE have
>contributed a Java ITS.
Yes, I have seen that, Tim, thanks for pointing me to it.
It is very good done, I believe Acode understands very well the needs of 
an opensource project, but, at this moment, for me,  it is not yet much 
to start working with. Implementing an OpenEhr-solution would still cost 
multiple man-years.

I guess, many things I will write below, I already said in other emails, 
maybe in slightly different context.
I apologise for repeating myself!!!!
I hope this is the last time I will broe this public with my repeating 
questions and statements and (sometimes wild) geussing

And I do not want to blame somebody for something,
but as I see, there are very impressive projects in the deploymentsector 
on the website.
They must have used databases, other programming languages, UML created, 
component-interfaces, plans about how to follow the OpenEhr-developments.
F.e. it does not seem effici?nt to me to rewrite the codebase in C#, 
java, whatever, by hand when the OpenEhr defintions changes signicantly.
It would be very nice if those people would share what they know, and 
I am not asking them to publish their commercial-product code.

I guess, we must regard toEiffel in OpenEhr-context as a case-tool, not 
as a programming-environment, because both serve another purpose, and 
one must be able to distinguish the two. So if the Eiffelcode must be 
regarded as a product of a case-tool. I must say, I like XMI better.
I understand, Thomas likes working with Eiffel, many people have their 
tools, Thomas has Eiffel. We need a bridge between Thomas his favorite 
tool and more common case tools, so code can be generated for many other 
I have seen magicDraw UML in the SVN=tree, but is it always updated as 
the Eiffel-code is? Can it safely be used to generate code?
Is it complete enough do do a signifant part of the code-generation?

Many questions, I would be really pleased if I would find answers, which 
make the fantastic concept, which OpenEhr is, useable for me.
I think I have to wait another year before I can really use it.

Kind regards
Bert Verhees

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