Apologies that this is perhaps not the right forum, but
I sense there is a fair crossover between the CEN and
openehr communities so I thought this might reach
the right ears..

I have been perusing the draft cen 13606-1 specification
in my exploration of all things openehr related (given the
large overlap in ideas.. two level modelling etc). I was
wondering if anyone had any ADL archetypes based on
the 13606-1 reference model? I am going to hand craft
some as an experiment but would love some that
are more clinically valid than my idle musings..

On related notes -

I do not normally have any access to cen materials and
am completely in the dark as to the whole cen standards
process, but I take it that 13606-1 is in draft mode, awaiting
a vote on acceptance? From my brief reading, it seems
not ready for 'prime time'.. two that immediately came to
my attention were the ED support type that has
a compulsory "language" attribute (which means what
for a photo?) and URI reference? Maybe the UML diagram
is wrong or something but it seems to indicate that both
of them compulsory, when surely they have to be optional
attributes? (I have just read it again, and in their defence, it
does say they are waiting for a new datatypes standard to
be published so perhaps they have not looked too much at
this area)..

But even the examples seem confused..

annex C has an 'informative' sample

ehr_system.extension = Whittington
ehr_system.assigningAuthorityName = NHS
ehr_system.valid_time = 1/1/1990 - 1/1/3000
ehr_system.root.oid = 9876543211

Why would any health standard be promoting an example
using 'magic' dates to indicate infinite time ranges?? Surely
these are open ended intervals rather than actually statements
that this ehr_system is going to cease to be valid in the year 3000?
I know its just a sample, but if the sample doesn't show the
proper techniques, what chance does any programmer reading
the spec have to do it correctly..

I also am under the impression that 13606-2 will be an
effort to standardise the expression of archetypes? Is ADL
in its current form a contender for that standard? How far along
is the standards process and are there any avenues to
review the work (for non-europeans)?

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