I have come across an interesting opportunity to do some openehr
modeling in a sports science context. However, whilst half of
the data is medical (heart rate etc), the other half is
raw physical data (GPS location, cadence etc) related to in
this case a bike..

So I would have one large history consisting of heart rate over
time which can be modeled with existing archetypes. For the
other data (the corresponding cadence over time),
I will obviously need to construct my own
archetypes. Does anyone have any experience at modeling
this sort of non-clinical data? What would I name the
archetypes - are they in the EHR namespace? Are there any
composition archetypes suited to this non-healthcare
related data input? How does one decide what goes in
an archetype for data that comes from a bike (an archetype
for each data item, or one archetype to group the data
items together?)

(I realise it may just be easier to store that data in a
non-openehr system but doing it the openehr way has certain
attractions - some of which are that provides a unified mechanism
for all the data, and can be extended to more clinical
sports science data if that becomes important)

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