Dear Georg,

Op 24-jun-2008, om 12:16 heeft Georg Duftschmid het volgende geschreven:

> I am now wondering why an EHR reference model is seen to be  
> REQUIRED for achieving functional interoperability. If I exchange  
> bare PDF-documents (without any describing metadata) between two  
> EHR systems, then I would say there is a good chance that these  
> docs are readable by a human receiver and thus functional  
> interoperability should be achieved although clearly an EHR  
> reference model is not used.

Theoretically you're right; there is a good change that these docs  
are readable by human. The real question is: are these usable?

Maybe such documents are usable between two health care providers who  
know and trust each-other. But now I receive such a document from   
somebody I don't/ superficially know. Am I willing to use  
(potentially critical) information in the treatment of my patient  
without knowing the proper context. By doing so I'll take over the  
responsibility. So if now my patient dies based on wrong  
interpretation of the incomplete information I'm liable for the death  
of that patient

So I would never use that information and do everything all over  
again. Why shouldn't I, I'm getting paid for this double work as well  
(as least here in the Netherlands this holds true and this is what we  
call 'perverse incentives').
Thing is that if we leave room to doubt the quality of the  
information and/or are not able to create insight in the  
responsibilities and the transfer thereof, people won't use it. In  
that case  what's the use of an EHR in the first place?


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