Just want to be more specific about the questions (Daniel and I are
working together on this issue), I created the ADL following the
example from Daniel's post.

ELEMENT[at0002.1] matches {     -- Diagnosis
    value matches {
        DV_CODED_TEXT matches {
            defining_code matches {[ac0.1]
    links matches {
        LINK[at0003.1] matches { -- complication of
            target matches {
                DV_EHR_URI matches {
                    Value matches

The ADL is created manually, so it might not have the correct syntax.
But you probably get the idea anyway.

The general question is if LINK is intended to be a runtime
facilitator or something that could be used in design time
(archetyping) as well?

Secondly, what's the status of tooling support, both in authoring
environment (archetype editors) and runtime systems (querying for

Any feedback will be appreciated!


2009/6/1 Daniel Karlsson <daniel.karlsson at imt.liu.se>:
> Dear Everyone,
> what are the possibilites of constraining the LINK.target attribute
> (DV_EHR_UIR datatype) in an archetype? This was possible in earlier
> versions of the Ocean Archetype Editor (although its use never was clear
> to me). Let's say that I want to constrain a link from an archetype to
> only allow linkage to instances conforming a specific set of archetypes
> (e.g. allowing linkage only to Diagnosis-archetype instances for links
> with "complication of" meaning.) Is it allowed to use a regexp
> constraint on the DV_EHR_URI and include the archetype id? Is it
> guaranteed that the archetype id can be used in the path as in 11.2.3 in
> Architecture overview in run-time systems?
> Regards,
> Daniel
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