* It might be just me thinking that some of the 21090 types are not that 
simple, so am interested in reactions of others. Here is the 
documentation of the term-code representation type CD, which explains 
how the 'no exceptions' (CNE) and 'exceptions' (CWE) variants should be 

    A CD is a reference to a concept defined in an external code system,
    terminology, or ontology. A CD may contain a simple code - that is,
    a reference to a concept defined directly by the referenced code
    system, or it may contain an expression in some syntax defined by
    the referenced code system that can be meaningfully evaluated. e.g.,
    the concept of a "left foot" as a post-coordinated term built from
    the primary code "FOOT" and the qualifier "LEFT".

    A CD may also contain an original text or phrase that served as the
    basis of the coding. This is preserved to allow for validation of
    the representation of the concept in various fashions.

    A CD can contain one or more translations into multiple coding
    systems. The translations are all representations of the same
    concept in various code systems. There is only one concept, and only
    the first CD may contain an original text. It is possible to
    represent the translation chain - which CD was translated from which
    - if desired. Each CD may also carry a rationale to indicate why it
    is represented.

    A CD with no nullFlavor attribute SHALL have a code attribute or
    nonNull originalText attribute. A CD that has a code, codeSystem or
    originalText attribute but does not meet external constraints of the
    applicable value set SHALL have a nullFlavor attribute with a value
    of OTH.

    Attributes with type CD are generally bound by externally specified
    constraints which constrain the coded concepts to which a CD may
    refer. These constraints may be qualified as "extensible" (CWE) or
    "not extensible" (CNE). If the constraint is not extensible (CNE),
    then a the CD that does not have a nullFlavor SHALL contain a code
    that conforms to the constraint. If the constraint is extensible
    (CWE) then a CD that does not have a nullFlavor SHALL contain either
    a code that exists in the domain with which the attribute is
    associated, a code from a locally defined code system, or just some
    originalText that describes the concept. If the code is taken from a
    locally defined code system, then the codeSystem property SHALL
    specify the local code system.
    For both CNE and CWE constraint types, the translations may contain
    nonNull codes from any source unless otherwise specified by the
    constraining model.

    For code systems that define expression syntaxes, CNE constraints
    may be used, providing that the code system definitions define the
    appropriate support to enable value sets to make useful statements
    about how to control the expression syntax, and that the value set
    machinery used also has the appropriate support.

This is the data structure of a CD, with the HL7v3 message attributes in 

  type CD = class (

/    validTimeLow : characterstring,/

/    validTimeHigh : characterstring,/

/    controlInformationRoot : characterstring,/

/    controlInformationExtension : characterstring,/

/    nullFlavor : NullFlavor,/

/    updateMode : UpdateMode,/

/    flavorId : Set(characterstring),/

    code : characterstring,

    codeSystem : characterstring,

    codeSystemName : characterstring,

    codeSystemVersion : characterstring,

    valueSet : characterstring,

    valueSetVersion : characterstring,

    displayName : ST,

    originalText : ED,

    codingRationale : CodingRationale,

    translation : Set(CD),

    source : CD


Am I alone in thinking that this is not the simplest way to implement 
exceptions or not, to coding? The rules for setting NullFlavor are also 
not so simple. I would have thought a more obvious method would be to 
define a type with a text field in it, and then a subtype with coding, 
e.g. (with message attributes removed):

  type TEXT = class (

    text : ST

    mappings: Set(CD)


  type CD: TEXT = class (

    code : characterstring,

    codeSystem : characterstring,

    codeSystemName : characterstring,

    codeSystemVersion : characterstring,

    valueSet : characterstring,

    valueSetVersion : characterstring,

    codingRationale : CodingRationale,

    translation : Set(CD),

    source : CD


This would enable specifiers to simply put TEXT for 'coded with 
exceptions' or CD for 'coded no exceptions' within a model, with the GUI 
making the relevant coding widgets available in the correct way (there 
are some slight benefits to making a more theoretically correct model, 
using 3 classes rather than just 2, but the differences are not 
significant). Note that I merged displayName and originalText, as this 
seems to be a modelling confusion; if originalText represents some other 
text, not the text of the code, then the whole data structure is 
essentially a mapping, not a coding of the text. One way to do this is 
shown with a 'mappings' attribute in the TEXT class (some people will 
object that this could be used infinitely, but in practice it is never a 
problem, since applications don't create such structures). In the 
original model, 'originalText' and 'displayName' would be the same much 
of the time. The rules to do with setting nullFlavor would make more 
sense elsewhere, not in the core model.

There are also some interesting comments relating to the valueSet attribute:

    In many cases, a CD is created from a value set -- either a
    code/code system pair is chosen from a valueSet, or one is not
    chosen and the CD has the exceptional value of NullFlavor.OTH. If no
    code is chosen, it is generally inappropriate to reference the code
    system from which the code was chosen as the value set may not match
    the code system (may include a subset of the codeSystem, or
    additional terms from other code systems); instead, the value set
    should be provided. *In addition, there are some known use cases
    where the value set that a user or system was offered when choosing
    a code affects the interpretation of the code*.

The last sentence above indicates that the meaning of a code stored in 
data might depend on how it was chosen. This would break the basic 
immutability of meaning of codes in a code system. I wonder how we would 
compute with such data?

The 'translations' attribute is also strange: according to the 
documentation it is not about translations but about code synonyms 
and/or mappings (in reality two different things).

- thomas beale

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