On 25/11/2010 18:28, William E Hammond wrote:
> IYou apparently misread my comment.  The mountains of money I assume you
> mean UK was spent on many things, including archetypes. Great.  I don't

that is one place mountains of money were spent (a few ?100k on 
archetypes), but not the only one.

> understand the comment "I know for a fact that the outcomes (using v3) are
> not seen as good value.  I have heard the opposite from those people who
> spendt a lot of money.  In any case, it is a value proposition.  We use v2
> at Duke because it works for us, and we control the environment.

none of this conversation (at least on my side) is about v2; v2 is 
proven technology, even if old, and it does more or less what it says on 
the tin, if you control it well enough (e.g. like via the specific v2 
message standards in Australia).

>   CDA is a
> v23 product - based on the HL7 RIM.  Thanks for the compliment that CDA is
> findoing  great use.  I declare that success.

well it is finding use that's for sure, how widespread it is I can't 
say. You can move data with it. You can't built a realistic EHR with it; 
distributed versioning is not defined, querying is not defined (other 
than: figure it out some Xpaths yourself). Representing properly 
structured data with it has not been done much, and is widely recognised 
and claimed by HL7 experts to not be its main use case.

> I don;'t care if the throw the red ball, roll the red nball, or toss the
> red ball as long as I know it is a red ball.
> To all:  I recognize that Thanksgiving is uniquely a US Holiday, but permit
> me to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.  I think we all have a lot to be
> thankful for - including the friendship and the opportunity to voice
> different experiences.  Now, my turkey is calling.  It is a family time -
> for us all.

oops - apologies! The above is a far better pursuit that this debate! 
Bon apetit ;-)

- thomas

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