When we define a C_DATE_TIME element like this
ELEMENT[at0061] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Date/Time element
     value matches {
DV_DATE_TIME matches {*}
we said that element at0061 can contains a Date/time value, a date only or a 
time only (indeed 
Archetype Editor show the label "Allow all").

 From the point of view of RM instances, this means we can have
<value xsi:type="DV_DATE_TIME">

but also

<value xsi:type="DV_DATE_TIME">


<value xsi:type="DV_DATE_TIME">

Or for the latter we need to use DV_DATE and DV_TIME rescpectively (remember we 
have defined a 
C_DATE_TIME constraint in archetype)?

Thanks for your help!



Ing. Leonardo Moretti
Team Leader

*NoemaLife S.p.A
* Via Gobetti, 52
40129 Bologna -- ITALY
T +39 051 4193911
F +39 051 4193900
lmoretti at noemalife.com <mailto:lmoretti at noemalife.com>

www.noemalife.com <http://www.noemalife.com/>

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