Hi Ian, it would be nice to share a common API or service layer that both 
groups can rely on, so we can make our tools compatible in some way.I have an 
informal list of requirements that this tool should support, maybe we can start 
sharing our requirements and see if we can agree on a common interface 

Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

> From: Ian.McNicoll at oceaninformatics.com
> Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 14:57:20 +0000
> Subject: Re: Python / Django experience??
> To: openehr-technical at openehr.org
> Thanks Pablo,
> I will be interested to see how your app develops. We have a few
> Python volunteers so hope to have something visibly quite soon.
> Ian
> Dr Ian McNicoll
> office +44 (0)1536 414 994
> fax +44 (0)1536 516317
> mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
> skype ianmcnicoll
> ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com
> Clinical Modelling Consultant, Ocean Informatics, UK
> Director/Clinical Knowledge Editor openEHR Foundation  
> www.openehr.org/knowledge
> Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
> SCIMP Working Group, NHS Scotland
> BCS Primary Health Care  www.phcsg.org
> On 31 January 2012 14:45, pablo pazos <pazospablo at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Ian, we are planning to work in this area but not with those
> > technologies, I think it will be PHP or Java/Groovy.
> >
> > What we want is just that: "a very lightly-governed archetype collaboration,
> > simple review and discussion space to enable early communication between
> > possible archetype developers".
> >
> > Firstly for the openEHR-ES community, to engage doctors and nurses in
> > archetype development, and later to show how to use that knowledge in an EHR
> > tool like EHRGen (http://code.google.com/p/open-ehr-gen-framework/). Later
> > it could be a general use tool.
> >
> > This will be part of our tool
> > chain: 
> > http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Yd3JhnuVjgk/TwMepovkBeI/AAAAAAAAE-4/7UCf-ry2JqY/s1600/openEHR+Toolchain+ppazos+sm.png
> > And it'll serve as a continuation for the students of our openEHR course, to
> > embrace and don't lose the momentum after the course.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Kind regards,
> > Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
> > LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
> > Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
> > Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos
> >
> >> From: Ian.McNicoll at oceaninformatics.com
> >> Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 11:10:57 +0000
> >> Subject: Python / Django experience??
> >> To: openehr-technical at openehr.org
> >
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> Would any of you with Python / Django experience be interested in
> >> helping with a small open-source project to establish a 'Clinical
> >> Knowledge Incubator' website under the auspices of the Foundation? The
> >> intention is to establish a very lightly-governed archetype
> >> collaboration, simple review and discussion space to enable early
> >> communication between possible archetype developers. This is not
> >> intended to compete with a more formally-governed repository such as
> >> CKM but to allow archetypes, requirements and specification documents
> >> to be shared and discussed prior to more formal governance and
> >> development processes kicking in.
> >>
> >> The site will be based on the open source Snowcloud Clinical Templates
> >> framework see clinicaltemplates.org.
> >>
> >> The work needing done to adapt this for openEHR is broadly ..
> >>
> >> 1. Add some sort of persistence/ repository back-end for archetypes
> >> and associated documentation e.g Github and/ or Dropbox. There is a
> >> very nice Python API for the latter which I got working. This does not
> >> need to be be particularly complex. Github would probably be a better
> >> solution but the limited versioning afforded by Dropbox is probably
> >> sufficient.
> >>
> >> 2. Add the ability to import from openEHR ADL/XML and .opt XML ) into
> >> the native XML format. Derek Hoy, the Snowcloud developer, has already
> >> partially implemented this but it does need further work. Derek has
> >> been good enough to offer further support and guidance.
> >>
> >> 3. At some point some sort of integration with CKM would be interesting.
> >>
> >> I will be taking an interest in the developments but have very limited
> >> Python skills.
> >>
> >> Anyone interested?
> >>
> >> Ian
> >>
> >> Dr Ian McNicoll
> >> office +44 (0)1536 414 994
> >> fax +44 (0)1536 516317
> >> mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
> >> skype ianmcnicoll
> >> ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com
> >>
> >> Clinical Modelling Consultant, Ocean Informatics, UK
> >> Director/Clinical Knowledge Editor openEHR Foundation
> >>  www.openehr.org/knowledge
> >> Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
> >> SCIMP Working Group, NHS Scotland
> >> BCS Primary Health Care  www.phcsg.org
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > openEHR-technical mailing list
> > openEHR-technical at openehr.org
> > http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical
> >
> _______________________________________________
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical
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