Hi Thomas,

Indeed, our practice confirms the need for a simpler form of single 
event observations. We are compensating for this with our Java TDO 
generator that detects history instances with event count constrained to 
single and merges a history and event objects into one event-history 
object that sort of represents a union of both classes. This way our 
developers end up with a less boiler-plate code to deal with and the rm 
model is preserved.

best regards,
Saso Rutar

Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 14:25:34 +0000
> From: Thomas Beale<thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>
> To: openehr-technical at openehr.org
> Subject: Re: 13606 revisited - list proposal
> Message-ID:<4F6C87DE.8090004 at oceaninformatics.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
> In the thread below, Pablo asked whether Action should have as its data
> not just an ItemStructure but a History, like Observation. Does anyone
> else have evidence supporting this need?
> A related question is: is there a need for an Observation type that only
> has one Event in it, i.e. one time-point? Obviously quite a few
> observations in real life, including 'patient story' are of this form.
> Our original motivation was to make all Observation data structures the
> same, hence the current data structures. Introducing more types makes
> code more complex and therefore error-prone, but generally makes data
> simpler/smaller overall.
> thoughts?
> - thomas
> On 13/02/2012 21:31, pablo pazos wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Sorry for the delay, I'm working on several projects right now and
>> have little time to follow discussion here.
>>      I'm also thinking about the ENTRY model, to lift up the
>>      data/description attributes from all entry subclasses to the
>>      ENTRY, to have a ENTRY.data:DATA_STRUCTURE attribute, so all
>>      subentries could define the data as ITEM_STRUCTURE or as a HISTORY.
>> We did think about this a long time ago, but it did not seem useful.
>> But I assume you are thinking of doing it because you want to make
>> ENTRY a concrete class which could have 'any' structure.
>> Nope, is because I see a common pattern on concreate ENTRY subclases.
>> In theory doing this breaks a basic modelling rule, which is that a
>> superclass whose descendants define the possible data space should
>> not itself be concrete.
>> I think this is not the case, having a ENTRY.data : DATA_STRUCTURE is
>> in fact a more specific ENTRY class, but is still a generic one that
>> could be specialized in many ways. In my (maybe biased) experience,
>> all subclasses from ENTRY would make use of this attribute since a
>> structure is needed to record information.
>> The argument here I suppose is that we want to build in a 13606-style
>> 'uncommitted' kind of ENTRY. In fact we already have this - it's
>> currently called GENERIC_ENTRY
>> <http://www.openehr.org/uml/release-1.0.1/Browsable/_9_5_1_76d0249_1140530578205_529440_4046Report.html>.
>> This doesn't get used at the moment (although it has been there for
>> years), and if we want to make it a subtype of ENTRY, that could be
>> done. The main thing to solve I guess is the conversion of any of the
>> specific openEHR kinds of ENTRY into a generic ENTRY structure defined
>> by 13606. This can actually be formally specified by an algorithm. It
>> doesn't require that the parent abstract ENTRY become concrete either.
>> I am unclear if there are other reasons to make the ENTRY parent type
>> concrete, to mimic 13606 ENTRY, rather than simply move GENERIC_ENTRY
>> to be a subtype, which seems more obvious to me.
>>      Maybe to have the flexibility to define ACTIONS and other entries
>>      to have a data attribute of class ITEM_STRUCTURE or HISTORY to
>>      track time of events instead of inventing DV_DATE/DV_DATETIME
>>      ELEMENTs on ACTION/EVALUATION/INSTRUCTION archetypes is a good
>>      idea. What do you think?
>> Well then I think we risk making the model ambiguous, and different
>> people will use such flexible structures to do the same thing in
>> different ways, which was the thing we were originally trying to avoid.
>> I disagree here, the model semantics could be defined in the specs. My
>> argument is that we are giving a more flexible IM is adding
>> flexibility (not ambiguity) to archetypes, and giving knowledge
>> modelers more options. Then, when they create a concrete archetype,
>> there is no ambiguity because an archetype models a concept in one
>> way, and if abstract classes are used in archetypes, the archetype
>> needs specialization to make is usable on a real environment (software
>> can't instantiate abstract classes, and could not make the decision
>> between using subclass A or subclass B).
>> The HISTORY class is very nicely designed to represent complex
>> time-series data that has the same protocol and was captured in an
>> uinterrupted series. It does not try to model sequences of different
>> types of data - in that case, you just have multiple observations.
>> I totally agree.
>> It deal well with point values, averaged interval values, max, min,
>> sample compression and a few other things. But it's no good with a
>> succession of different kinds of patient events. Any such timeline for
>> that kind of thing has to be constructed post-hoc, when the actual
>> events have already occurred.
>> That's the model semantics that should be defined on the specs.
>> Knowing that, not misuse should happen. In the other hand, tools
>> should not permit this to happen, and this could be implemented as
>> semantic validation of RM instances (BTW this should be done with the
>> current model also).
>> I can see a theoretical argument to wanting HISTORY in ACTION, instead
>> of just a single point time, but in practice, noone has ever been able
>> to come up with an example where a series of ACTIONs needs to look
>> like a structured series, mainly because ACTIONs usually need to get
>> recorded when they are done.
>> IMO ACTION.time:DV_DATE_TIME could have the same semantics as
>> ACTION.data.events[0].time, if ACTION.data:HISTORY and
>> events[0]:POINT_EVENT.
>> The easier example is a repetitive INSTRUCTION like "give 5mg of XXX
>> for 10h every 30m":
>>    * The ACTION would register the same information structure
>>    * The proposed POINT_EVENT of the ACTION could record the
>>      information like the current ACTION.time attribute
>>    * There is a series of ACTIONS recorded for the same INSTRUCTION
>>      (instead of creating one ACTION instance for each XXX
>>      administration, one ACTION could handle all the information, time
>>      series and data, for all the susbtance administrations for the
>> For example, a regular IV drug administration _could_ in theory be
>> represented by an ACTION with a HISTORY, each of whose events
>> described the action (say: admin Morphine 20 mg IV) but to achieve
>> this you would have to wait until all the administrations were done
>> before writing the data. So for some hours it would look like no drugs
>> were being administered, then a long series of them would suddenly
>> appear in the EHR stretching back... days?
>> I can't see the difference with the current ACTION model: the ACTION
>> could be created when the administration starts, and the date/time of
>> that event could be written in INTERVAL_EVENT.time attribute, and when
>> the administration ends, the duration could be written in the
>> Maybe I'm missing something here, but that's whay I understand.
>> I am not saying ACTION is perfect - there have been suggestions for
>> example that an ACTION + link + OBSERVATION structure should be
>> available for when the prescribed 'action' was in fact a new
>> observation, such as 'check patient reaction to drug'.
>> It would be nice to discuss this proposals with more members of the
>> community. I'm not saying we need to do the changes, what I say is
>> lets discuss if we can improve the model in some way, analize the pros
>> and cons, and write down a decision. I mean: we need to try to not
>> leave these kind of discussions die on the maillist, this things are
>> valuable assets that could be explored/exploted in the future.
>> Another question of time comes up with EVALUATION - e.g. the diagnosis
>> archetype. This is full of times, and tries to follow a disease course
>> model. Currently there is no RM class for this, but if a standardised
>> temporal disease model were agreed across medicine, I suppose there is
>> no reason why not. But it also is not a simple HISTORY - it is more
>> 'bumpy'... and I don't know if there is any agreed standard model of this.
>> Maybe is something like a HISTORY<ENTRY>  or a HISTORY<COMPOSITION>?
>> Thanks a lot for sharing,
>> Kind regards,
>> Pablo.
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