Hi Thomas,

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:47:05 +0100
From: thomas.be...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-technical at lists.openehr.org
Subject: Re: 13606 revisited - list proposal


    On 26/03/2012 19:49, pablo pazos wrote:
        Hi Thomas,

          A while ago, we gave this issue a big thought when
            designing the EHRGen framework.

          Periodic event records are needed when recording certain
            studies and when monitoring a patient, but this can be
            recorded as single point events, and using a query to get
            all the points in a series.

    it can but that's very inefficient, and doesn't correctly represent
    what is happening, when you are talking about multiple samples in a
    series, e.g. coming from vital signs monitors, orthostatic BP,
    apgar, and many others.

What I've said was incorrect, I mentioned "periodic events" and I should have 
said "an Observation with many events", that was your question about, sorry for 
Here is the corrected answer: if you want to record a series of eventual events 
you can do it with only one Observation with many EVENT, or many Observarions 
with a single EVENT and an query to get the whole series, e.g. do create a 
graph. E.g. for vital signs when a patient is under observation at an ER.


          From the GUI perspective is very difficult to record
            periodic events, because you have to login, select a
            patient, select a record, select the section of that record
            that contains the periodic data, enter a new item to the
            time series. 

    and presumably enter another, and another. That doesn't sound like a
    problem - it's how normal GUI for Apgar and multi-sample manual BP
    collection work. Don't forget, we are talking about time series in
    the seconds to minutes domain here. Although Glucose tolerance test
    data would make more sense to be entered as one time series, after
    the fact. 
Consider this my comment with the "right answer". 
>From the GUI perspective is very difficult to record MANY EVENTS IN THE SAME 
>OBSERVATION, because you have to login, select a patient, select a record, 
>select the section of that record that contains the OBSERVATION, enter a new 


          The other option is to have the patient's record always
            open, and that is not possible in all scenarios (for
            technical or security reasons).

    well ifyou are talking about long period of time, like repeated
    nursing observations, you should be committing those 1 sample at a

Consider this ER scenario: a BP value could be recorded each 30" or so, and the 
system could be used 1. for many patients, 2. by many users, 3. on the same 
The problem is when an item is commited, it should be as a part of a 
COMPOSITION (?), so if a nurse want to record a second take of a BP she is 
monitoring, and of course she wants to see the current recorded values for that 
series, another COMPOSITION should be created only for that value (or not?).

Sorry again for the confusion.
Kind regards,Pablo.
Of course, the system could have something in the middle storing all the values 
without commiting them


          In the other hand, in the majority of cases of clinical
            record through a GUI, the data is recorded as a single point
            event, e.g. at a patient visit. So we design the EHRGen just
            to use point events, and if you want to record a series of
            events, a service should be provided to get the data from
            other systems (e.g. a LAB system), but not from the GUI.

    that and vital signs monitors are certainly a common source of
    time-based data. But whether the source of the data is the GUI or
    somewhere else doesn't change the semantics of the model, or the
    need for it. Like I said elsewhere, I have no problem with adding a
    single-event Observation as well. But having only that will
    completely cripple many hospital apps and efficient data
    representation and querying related to this data.


    - thomas



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