>>  I am having a hard time understanding when the modeller would not know
if there was a series of events or not  <<

Well for an experienced modeller it is not too hard, although there are
still quite a number of grey areas. Heather and I still have discussions
and disagreements about the correct Class or use of  class attributes. The
point is that for beginners or casual users, it *is* hard. Just look at
Pablo's or Saso's experience. I want to improve the architecture and, I
agree, definitely the tooling, so that people are not forced to think about
the hard stuff until they are good and ready or the use-cases emerge, but
confident that they are not making a 'wrong' decision which stops their
work being shared with a wider community in due course.

Pablo's experience is not at all unusual - most groups find it hard to
think beyond the boundaries of their own experience, and it is costly to
think ahead in terms of design decisions.  You forget just how much
expertise and detailed consideration that you have given to this problem
space. Even with training and experience it will take some time for others
to catch up (including myself!). I want people to be able to hit the ground
running and not be intimidated by the technology or the ontological
philosophy. openEHR does a pretty good job on both counts but I think we
can do better. Tooling improvements certainly but tooling is ultimately
driven by the RM and based on the experiences of implementation and
training over several years I think now is good opportunity to take stock
and find some ways of further reducing buy-in without compromising on the
excellent work done to date.


On 27 March 2012 11:51, Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at 

>  On 27/03/2012 10:42, Ian McNicoll wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
>  I definitely agree here. While I think there is huge merit in having
> some kind of simplified single Event OBSERVATION, there is absolutely a
> need to handle the increasing numbers of device mediated multiple event
> observations.
>  As a modeller though, I really do not want to have to commit to one
> class or another. I want to be able to start with a simple model and
> 'unconstrain' that when and if the individual or generic use cases emerge.
> Given the complexity of multiple event handling I suspect that is a pretty
> tough ask but if you don't ask you don't get :-)
> I am having a hard time understanding when the modeller would not know if
> there was a series of events or not. Surely all vital signs should be
> modelled as that (even if in some instances in the data, there is only one
> event)? There seems no other obvious way to model Apgar or OGTT; I would
> expect some ECG and blood glucose to be in time-series form as well.
>  That is why I was interested in what Marand are doing which
> is essentially flattening or hiding the complexity of the mutliple event
> Observation - simple API vs. Complex API where the simple API just hides
> the complexity for the 80% of use-cases. Is that feasible?
> that was actually the intention of the original design - to support APIs
> that would allow a 'nice' way to create a single event Observation (indeed,
> it should have been defined in the Observation class itself). But if we
> want a single-event Observation class as a new variant, no reason why not.
> openEHR archetypes are still easily the best way to manage the very
> difficult task of identifying clinical content requirements and gradually
> developing these as new use-cases and complexities appear but I think we
> can do more to make that process one where we can start simple and
> gradually add complexity in a backward compatible manner.
> personally I think a lot more work is required on the tooling...
> - thomas
>  *
> *
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Dr Ian McNicoll
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fax +44 (0)1536 516317
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skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com

*Primary Health Info 23 ? 25th April in Warwick ? are you

Clinical Modelling Consultant, Ocean Informatics, UK
Director openEHR Foundation  www.openehr.org/knowledge
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
SCIMP Working Group, NHS Scotland
BCS Primary Health Care  www.phcsg.org
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