Hi Pablo,

when archetypes are flattened, their ids replace the at-codes at the 
root points. This example shows the flattened version of the EHR_EXTRACT 
template test archetype. You can see the archetype ids, also a remaining 
open slot. It's not a proper OPT, so the top root node does not yet have 
the archetype id substituted.

On 01/05/2012 00:22, pablo pazos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm reading this page trying to understand how to implement archetype 
> flattening and operational template support to our EHRGen project: 
> http://www.openehr.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=196633#openEHRADL%26AOM1.5-TemplatesandSpecialisedArchetypes-Source%2Cflatandoperationalformsofarchetypessupported
> What I don't get is: when you have a flat archetype (e.g. without 
> slots, internal refs and only with the specialized nodes) or an 
> operational template (also flat), where is the reference to the 
> original archetype nodes in the flattened AOM object for the resolved 
> references (slots, internal refs, etc.)?
> For example:
> Archetype A: [at0000] OBS -> [at0001] HISTORY -> [at0002] EVENT (slot 
> to archetype B)
> Archetype B: [at0000] EVENT -> [at0001] ITEM_TREE -> ...
> Flattened: (Archetype A) [at0000] OBS -> [at0001] HISTORY -> [at0002] 
> EVENT -> *(Archetype B)* [at0000] EVENT -> [at0001] ITEM_TREE -> ...
> If I use the flattened archetype in my application, I would like to 
> know what is the original archetype that constrained my EVENT, because 
> could create queries based on the paths of that archetype. Maybe 
> there's another way of doing the same that I can't see yet.
> Thanks a lot!
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
> openEHR community in spanish: http://openehr.org.es 
> <http://openehr.org.es/>
> LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
> Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos
> *
> * 
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