But if you have sibling nodes (see the example above) you will have
paths that won't be unique as original slot atXXXX is lost

2012/5/2 Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>:
> On 02/05/2012 10:55, Diego Bosc? wrote:
>> Also, are the atXXXX from the resolved template changed in any way?
>> I see EXTRACT_CHAPTER with [at0002] and ELEMENT with [at0002.1], which
>> I think it may be changing specialization semantics
> these two codes don't happen to be related - the at0002 is from the Extract
> archetype (openEHR-EHR_EXTRACT-EXTRACT.t_basic_discharge_summary.v1), the
> at0002.1 is from the demographic archetype
> openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-CLUSTER.t_person_race_data_ds.v1.
> Within the same archetype, a code of the form atN.M.P ?is a specialisation
> of a code atN.M from a parent, and transitively, of atN from the topmost
> archetype. That means a query that mentions 'atN' should match instances of
> the other two (within the relevant archetypes of course, not some other
> unrelated archetypes). How this is physically done depends on how a query
> processor is implemented.
> - thomas
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