On 02/05/2012 09:21, Diego Bosc? wrote:
> Is the atXXXX from the solved slot lost? Is not possible to redefine
> the text or description and change it from the at0000 of the included
> slot?
> I think it would be useful to have it somehow
> *
> *

the information is still in the archetype - the ontology section for a 
template looks something like this:

     term_definitions = <
         ["en"] = <
             ["at0000.1"] = <
                 text = <"Discharge summary">
                 description = <"Discharge summary document for patient 
leaving a hospital">
             ["at0006.1"] = <
                 text = <"Clinical data">
                 description = <"Clinical discharge data for patient">
             ["at0100.1"] = <
                 text = <"Patient demographics slot - closed">
                 description = <"Patient demographics slot - closed">
             ["at0103"] = <
                 text = <"Patient discharge data slot">
                 description = <"Patient discharge data slot">

     component_ontologies = <
         ["openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-PERSON.t_patient_ds.v1"] = <
             term_definitions = <
                 ["en"] = <
                     ["at0000.1"] = <
                         text = <"Patient demographic data">
                         description = <"Simple patient personal 
demographic data">
                     ["at0010.1"] = <
                         text = <"Other details - closed slot">
                         description = <"Other details - closed slot">
                     ["at0040"] = <
                         text = <"Relationship type">
                         description = <"Defines the type of 
relationship between related persons.">
             constraint_definitions = <
                 ["en"] = <
                     ["ac0000"] = <
                         text = <"Codes for type of relationship">
                         description = <"Valid codes for type of 
["openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-ORGANISATION.healthcare_establishment.v1"] = <
             term_definitions = <
                 ["en"] = <
                     ["at0000"] = <
                         text = <"Organisation">
                         description = <"Organisation demographic data">
                     ["at0001"] = <
                         text = <"Identification">
                         description = <"Identification - the names the 
organisation is known by">
                     ["at0003"] = <
                         text = <"Name">
                         description = <"An organisation name">
                     ["at0004"] = <
                         text = <"Identifier">
                         description = <"An organisation Identifier">
         ["openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-PERSON.healthcare_professional.v1"] = <
             term_definitions = <
                 ["en"] = <
                     ["at0000"] = <
                         text = <"Healthcare professional demographic data">
                         description = <"Healthcare professional 
demographic data">
                     ["at0001"] = <
                         text = <"Identification">
                         description = <"Identification - the names the 
professional is known by">
                     ["at0003"] = <
                         text = <"Name">
                         description = <"Healthcare professional name">
                     ["at0004"] = <
                         text = <"Identifier">
                         description = <"Healthcare professional 
         ["openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.t_clinical_info_ds.v1"] = <
             term_definitions = <
                 ["en"] = <
                     ["at0000.1"] = <
                         text = <"Clinical detail">
                         description = <"Clinical detail of Simple 
discharge summary">
                     ["at0000"] = <
                         text = <"Discharge">
                         description = <"A summarising communication 
about at the time of discharge from an institution or an episode of care">

                     ["at0027"] = <
                         text = <"Details">
                         description = <"*">

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