On 06/04/2013 23:50, Thomas Beale wrote:
> [This is Tim again, initially bounced]
>> And that is the issue, and what is at the root of this dispute. Tim does not
>> see the point of specialization or redefinition, which, in my opinion, is
>> why he can hold forth so strongly for XML.
>> Randy Neall
> You are mostly correct.  It isn't that I don't think that re-use is a
> good idea.  The knowledge modellers and developers are telling us by
> their actions that do not want to participate in the top-down, maximal
> data model approach.  As I have said many times, for many years; it is
> a wonderfully engineered eco-system. Now we know, it just doesn't work
> in real practice on a global basis.


obviously some of us are interested in this statement. You say 'it just 
doesn't work in real practice'. Our experience is different, and I am 
interested in your evidence / justification of this statement.

- thomas

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