In fact, 'license' could be translated, but translating 'copyright'
makes less sense

2013/5/6 David Moner <damoca at>:
> I have added a "license" attribute. An archetype can need both a copyright
> and the applicable license.
> David
> 2013/5/3 Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at>
>> On 03/05/2013 11:28, Diego Bosc? wrote:
>> By the way, we should use the momentum to also revamp the available
>> metadata. A few ideas:
>> - Move 'copyright' from language specific information to general
>> metadata (It's not being really translated at the moment).
>> - Move 'references' from other_details to general metadata (It's
>> important enough IMHO).
>> - Information about date of validation, validity time and who validated
>> it.
>> - RM version this archetype was based on.
>> - etc.
>> Personally I would agree with all of the above. I have already added the
>> rm_release to the ARCHETYPE class now in the AOM (not yet pushed up), but
>> for the others, I suggest we try to create a wider discussion to do this
>> exercise with a small amount of discipline, but still be in a crowd-sourcing
>> mode (is that possible ;-)
>> To that end, I added a child page to the Knowledge Artefact Identification
>> page, here, dedicated to meta-data. I added some tables where we can
>> potentially review the current model and propose changes. If people think
>> this isn't sufficiently detailed, feel free to rework it in another way.
>> - thomas
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> --
> David Moner Cano
> Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
> Instituto ITACA
> Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
> Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
> Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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