
On 09/27/2013 05:20 PM, Thomas Beale wrote:
> Bert,
> can you raise an issue on SPECPR 
> <http://www.openehr.org/issues/browse/SPECPR> - that's the issue 
> tracker that we use to feed specification work. If you just paste most 
> of this post in as the description that will be enough to get back to 
> this when more people can get involved (which will be fairly soon).
> thanks
> - thomas
> On 26/09/2013 11:21, Bert Verhees wrote:
>>>> In my system it is not useful to preload archetypes, because, 
>>>> archetypes are only parsed once in my system.
>>>> That is when they are saved in the system. They are parsed in order 
>>>> to create a RNG/Schematron definition.
>>> ok, so the downstream form of an archetype you are using is a 
>>> Schematron schema - so that's the thing that needs to be stored.
>> OK, I misunderstood that part of the discussion, having a form of 
>> XML-schema is a representation of an archetype, which can be for 
>> specific purposes like validation more efficient then the 
>> archetype-object, depending on the technical architecture of the kernel.
>> It seems that we agree on that.
>>>> That is used to validate the data, and if new data are entered, 
>>>> then they will be checked against that RNG/Schematron definition, 
>>>> not against the parsed archetype.
>>>> The schema is loaded in microseconds and the validation takes one 
>>>> second.
>>>> After the data are validated, they are stored in an XML-database, 
>>>> and they will never be validated again. They are ready for 
>>>> XPath-queries and XQueries, and all kind of complicated handling 
>>>> without even looking at an archetype.
>>> right - that sounds like all other archetype-based systems I know of.
>>>> So the refusal to specify a "archetype_id" in the specs is, in my 
>>>> architecture, bad for performance, because it forces extra 
>>>> archetype-parsing, so I have that property without the consensus 
>>>> with the specs, and I do not see it as a waste. I make sure that 
>>>> when I have to export data to an OpenEHR system, I will put the 
>>>> archetype_id in the archetype_node_id property.
>>> but the specs already specify archetype_details, which contains the 
>>> archetype id. And you can detect that easily in a schematron schema 
>>> I guess.  So you can easily figure out that you are on one of those 
>>> nodes. Is the real problem simply that the syntax of what is in 
>>> archetype_node_id on one of those nodes - an archetype_id rather 
>>> than an at-code - causes some problem in your processing? I am not 
>>> clear on what though... are you trying to use the at-code texts at 
>>> runtime? Are they also in the Schematron schema?
>> We are not talking about the OpenEHR reference model, but about 
>> archetyped data-handling.
>> I have two arguments, the first one is most simple to explain, so I 
>> start with that.
>> ----------------------
>> 1)
>> *A golden rule in design is that attribute-names should indicate what 
>> they are there for.*
>> We are not writing obfuscated code, but readable code, because the 
>> cold war is finished, and we do not need to confuse the Russians 
>> anymore, so we can safely honor this rule.
>> This means, an attribute (in the ADL common notation) which contains 
>> the archetypeNodeID should be called archetype_node_id and an 
>> attribute containing an archetypeId should be called archetype_id and 
>> it is confusing to use the attribute archetype_node_id to store both, 
>> and even, which makes it worse, without indication about what is in it.
>> ----------------------
>> 2)
>> The second argument is a more technical issue and a bit difficult to 
>> explain, but I try with an example:
>> Imagine you have extracted an XML-path in your datastorage which says
>> ....../details[@archetype_node_id="at0001"]/items[@archetype_node_id="at0003"]/.........
>> Say, your client software wants to build a GUI, and uses the 
>> ontology-information to create the GUI-control-indicators and 
>> help-information. I think this is possible to do that that way. It 
>> makes dynamic GUI-building possible.
>> This example-path above is easy to find and will not cause any 
>> complicated handling.
>> But in the current situation, the path can look like:
>> ....../details[@archetype_node_id="at0001"]/items[@archetype_node_id="openEHR-EHR-ITEM_LIST.address.v1"]/.........
>> First Step: Now the GUI software wants to have a container-control 
>> which contains the items, and it looks in the ontology of the 
>> containing data-set-archetype to find the archetype_node_id: 
>> "openEHR-EHR-ITEM_LIST.address.v1"
>> It does not find it, because it is not there.
>> Second Step: Now you suggest that the software should look if there 
>> is an archetypeDetails attribute, to see if there is another 
>> archetype to be used for ontology search. This is one step extra the 
>> software needs to do.
>> Should it do this at every archetypeNodeId, or only if search did not 
>> give a result? That is a statistical question, which workaround will 
>> be applied more and cost more on the long term. Maybe some tricks may 
>> help, and we get tricky software.
>> Third Step: Then, the archetype_node_id in that archetype to search 
>> for is invisible for the software, because, it is not in the path. 
>> So, this step is a more complicated, the software needs to know which 
>> archetype_node_id belongs to the root of that archetype, and then it 
>> can find in the ontology section what the description is.
>> This all could be so much easier, and efficient when the extracted 
>> path looked like:
>> ....../details[@archetype_node_id="at0001"]/items[@archetype_id="openEHR-EHR-ITEM_LIST.address.v1"
>> @archetype_node_id="at0000"]/.........
>> The software would know in one step what to do to build its dynamic 
>> GUI. It would see in one step that there is another 
>> archetype/ontology-section involved, and it would know in the same 
>> step which archetypeNodeId to look for.
>> It seems to me that the golden rule in my first argument is there for 
>> good reason. It makes code not only better readable, but also more 
>> efficient, it forces short code-paths to solutions for 
>> information-handling
>> ----------------------
>> I hope my arguments are clear now.
>> Bert
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> -- 
> Ocean Informatics <http://www.oceaninformatics.com/>  *Thomas Beale
> Chief Technology Officer*
> +44 7792 403 613      Specification Program, /open/EHR 
> <http://www.openehr.org/>
> Honorary Research Fellow, UCL <http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/>
> Chartered IT Professional Fellow, BCS <http://www.bcs.org.uk/>
> Health IT blog <http://wolandscat.net/category/health-informatics/> 
> View Thomas Beale's profile on LinkedIn 
> <http://uk.linkedin.com/in/thomasbeale>
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